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[Free DL] PrivateContent 5.302 – Multilevel Content Plugin - CodeCanyon Plugin

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PrivateContent - Multilevel Content Plugin - Wordpress Plugin


Get premium MEMBERSHIP Wordpress Plugin : PrivateContent 5.302 – Multilevel Content Plugin

PrivateContent plugin is a powerful, yet easy, solution to boost wordpress, turning it into a true multilevel membership platform. Take advantage from advanced users management features and restrict any part of your website. Everything without coding skills! Free WordPress Plugins from CodeCanyon

Plugin Compatibility

High Resolution: Yes, Compatible Browsers: IE8, IE9, IE10, IE11, Firefox, Safari, Opera, Chrome, Edge, Compatible With: Layers WP, WPML, WooCommerce 3.2.x, WooCommerce 3.1.x, WooCommerce 3.0.x, WooCommerce 2.6.x, WooCommerce 2.5, WooCommerce 2.4.x, WooComm

Why PrivateContent - Multilevel Content Plugin?

- The Plugin for Wordpresswas purchased 9211 times.
- The users have left 633 rating with final rating 4.47
The plugin was added 2012-02-01 and updates 2018-03-16
The Free Membership Plugin price = 24.00 $

Free Membership Wordpress Plugin
affiliation, contents lock, contents protection, contents restriction, google analytics, lightbox, membership, multilanguage, multilevel, private page, registration form, reserved area, user subscription, users management, wordpress membership

Get plugin from

PrivateContent is a powerful, yet easy, solution to boost wordpress, turning it into a true multilevel membership platform.

Complete users management, a modern form framework and an unique engine to restrict any part of your website. Everything without coding skills!

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Features list

  • Users membership:
    • Unlimited user levels
    • Unlimited levels assignment per user
    • Admin manual insertion
    • Unlimited and flexible registration forms
    • Fast and intuitive list management
    • Sorting and simple + advanced search
    • Multi status: active / disabled / pending approval
    • Google Analytics integration tracking users action
    • Export and import systems

  • Contents restriction systems: (based on user categories + custom through API)
    • PrivateContet shortcode with optional warning box containing login/register buttons
    • Advanced restrictions wizard + restrictions helper included in any public post type or taxonomy
      • Pages / posts / custom post types / categories / custom taxonomies total restriction through redirect
      • Pages / posts / custom post types contents replacing with warning box or excerpt or also nothing
      • Comments form hiding
      • Persistent modal lightbox on page’s opening to force user’s interaction

    • Custom (URL-based) restriction with regular expressions support
    • Menu items
    • Widgets
    • Complete, 1-click, website lock (optionally leaving menu visible)

  • Form framework:
    • Flexible fields structure
    • Form pages to split fields into sections
    • HTML5 client-side validation
    • Text blocks
    • Custom categories assignment (through shortcode)
    • Custom redirect (through shortcode)
    • Password strength setup
    • Anti-spam systems: honey-pot or invisible reCAPTCHA
    • Two layouts: one-column / fluid
    • Three preset styles + custom skin builder
    • Field and buttons icon + fields placeholder
    • Bottom border + no-label field styles
    • Registration and login forms alignment

  • Lightbox engine showing forms (or any content) clicking any site’s element
  • Login form and logout button with custom redirects
  • Users reserved area with preset contents and private comments
  • WP users sync to allow WP-based systems usage + WP roles emulator
  • Native Visual Composer, Elementor and cornerstone integration
  • Customizable messages
  • 100% translatable + 21 frontend languages ready to be used + WPML or Polylang ready
  • Dev-friendly API structure + hooks
  • Modular structure (check add-ons)

Walkthrough videos

To make the plugin easy for everyone, documentation contains also videos explaining necessary steps to set up and use PrivateContent.

Videos aim is purely educational, to check all features, take a look at screenshots!

Plugin add-ons

premium plans add-on

    Premium Plans

  • Unlimited pay subscription plans
  • Time-limited subscriptions
  • Plan’s trial period
  • WooCommerce based (taking advantage of payment gateways and invoicing system)
  • Discount coupons support
  • Automatic plan’s renewal system with reminder

user data add-on

    User Data

  • Create unlimited fields and forms
  • Targeted data type validation
  • Print user’s data through shortcode
  • Search and filter by custom data

mail actions add-on

    Mail Actions

  • Users verification via e-mail
  • Password recovery / reset system
  • Mailchimp seamless sync
  • Admin and user notifications
  • Quick mail system with attachment

secure links add-on

  • Lock down any link you want
  • Complete files protection
  • Restrict by categories or single user
  • One click link-to-WP editor
  • Download counter

The definitive wordpress membership solution

PrivateContent is probably the easiest way to create an users database into your wordpress website. Seamlessly integrated, is based on user categories: then no more basic roles, you can virtually have unlimited levels!

Each user can be assigned to one or more categories giving you the maximum flexibility possible, this means complete freedom in creating simple or complex patterns to properly store them and eventually restrict your site contents.

The plugin has got also some extra features to help you manage users with ease, such as category filter, data sorting and an internal advanced search. Gives also the ability of deactivate users, to keep them in the database but deactivating accesses to reserved areas.

Finally you can export user lists in Excel (.xls) or CSV format, or import them using a CSV file. Very useful for large external databases!

Google Analytics integration

Through your website you can reach millions and create a database of thousands of users. Is hard to understand what people like though.

PrivateContent, through Google Analytics systems, has got a solution to this: allowing precise reports.

Each pageview, each login, logout, registration (and more, through add-ons) will be registered. You will be able to know exactly what users see. Also in real time!

The secret of any successful website is marketing: start tracking your users now!

Rock-solid restrictions engine

One of main PrivateContent cores is surely contents restriction. A complete set of tools to satisfy your needs about contents management in relation to users subscription. Here’s what you can do:
Private Block
A shortcode allowing you to hide specific page contents on the fly. You can choose to show a warning box or just hide data within. Is also possible to enable a login and a registration button to the lightbox engine, giving users an handy way to join your site.
Contents Hiding
Leave posts searchable and indexable but hide contents within. Users not matching your restriction parameters will see alternative contents:
  • A warning box
  • An excerpt of post contents
  • An excerpt + warning box
  • Custom contents, set globally
  • just nothing!
Redirect system
This is the most powerful restriction you can use: totally removing elements from your website queries.
Blocked users won’t be even able to reach pages URL and will be redirected to a globally set page. For example, you won’t be able to reach this page, unless you are logged!
Lightbox on page’s opening
A client-side restriction that must be used to prompt users doing specific actions such as registering into your website. Once page is loaded, a persistent lightbox is shown on top of everything. Persistent means that can’t be removed, neither through web inspectors.
Comments restriction
You can also choose to only lock post comments. Asking for registration a specifi user role!
Menu items restriction
PrivateContent integrates also in your menus: allowing selective menu items restriction directly from the wordpress user interface.
1-click site lock
Need a complete protection? Why lose time.
PrivateContent can hide any site content to visitors (search engines included) with just one click!
Widgets restriction
And what about widgets?
Yeah, you can restrict also them, always directly in sidebar management’s page

Restrictions wizard

But there’s even more: to speed up setup, restriction can be inherited! A restricted category will automatically affect child categories that will affect assigned posts that will affect child posts.

I this way entire areas of your website could be ready in just few seconds. And everything never worrying about who is restricted and who inherits what: a revolutionary restrictions wizard takes care of reporting current post or term status!

Indeed the most complete restriction toolset you can get today!

Users private page

Each PrivateContent user has got by default an own private page. This true reserved area is reachable only by him. Plus, using an unique URL makes it really comfortable to be set in redirects: only contents are changed for each user.

This is an essential tool to privately communicate with subscribers and, obviously, you can also decide to disable it.

Check it or watch the screencast to see better understand how easy and effective is.

Wordpress user system sync

PrivateContent users can also be synced with wordpress users. What does it means? A mirror wordpress user will be strictly linked with PrivateContent one: same username, same password, same e-mail.

This turns into a huge advantage: not only users will be able to login through PrivateContent and Wordpress forms, but also use WP-based systems. From basic thing as post comments to advanced ones as WooCommerce!

Also user private pages take advantages from sync: is now possible to enable private comments to directly communicate with users.

Everything without landing on Wordpress admin panel or seeing Wordpress elements. Take a look at this screencast to know more.

A true form framework

Any membership system requires regisrtation forms. PrivateContent does more, offering one of the most advanced form frameworks on the market!
You’ll be not only able to create unlimited registration forms, but do it in the way you prefer.
  • Sorting fields
  • Adding fields icon and placeholders
  • Taking advantage of the HTML5 validation engine
  • Inserting contents among fields
  • Using a disclaimer for TOS or privacy acceptance
  • Setting password strength patterns and lengths
  • Taking advantage of honey-pot or reCAPTCHA anti-span systems
  • Setting password strength patterns and lengths
  • Assigning users to a default category or using the related field
  • Exteding available fields through User Data add-on or API

Extreme flexibility also on the design side: two fully-responsive layouts (one-column and fluid) and no-label + bottom border options.

Custom skin builder

Plugin comes with three preset form skins (minimal, light, dark) adapting to any theme, immediately.

But you can also create your own unique style: using colors, font size and family, setting field borders and padding as well as border radius. Everything directly from an handy user interface and with few clicks.

For example forms in live preview take color scheme from the minimal style, with a little touch of green on buttons to match with LCweb colors.

Login methods

PrivateContent offers you 5 different ways to implement login form into your wordpress theme:
  • a built-in widget with an integrated login form and logout box (example in the reserved area)
  • Login form and logout box shortcodes
  • Lightbox instances
  • Any Wordpress login form (requires WP user sync)
  • API functions for developers, to integrate it anywhere in your site

100% Multilanguage

PrivateContent is also completely translatable as well as its add-ons! You will be able to localize everything just creating a .po file or using WPML or also Polylang.

Frontend strings have already been translated (totally or partially) in 22 languages!

(Afrikaans, Argentine, Slovak, Danish, German, Spanish, Persian, French, Croatian, Italian, Georgian, Dutch, Polish, Brazilian, Romanian, Russian, Czech, Swedish, Finnish, Turkish, Norwegian, Estonian)

Dev-oriented API and hooks

PrivateContent is a developer-friendly plugin and has been coded to be easily extended and customized by developers.

Starting from essential plugin’s API to management classes and ending with dozens of actions and filters. Fit a membership plugin to your needs could be hard, but not in this case!

Even performing complex operations could be done in few PHP lines.
Check PrivateContent API documentation page.


- PrivateContent uses a standalone users database, apart from WP one.
- Please note that synced wordpress user are kept out of website’s admin side.
- Exported users can’t be re-imported since private page and category IDs vary on each installation
- Existing Wordpress users can’t be imported directly, since is not possible to know their password


See the changelog here