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[NULLED] CommentPress – Ajax Comments, Insert, Edit and Delete Comments for WP - CodeCanyon Plugin

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CommentPress - Ajax Comments, Insert, Edit and Delete Comments for WP - Wordpress Plugin


Get premium FORMS Wordpress Plugin : CommentPress – Ajax Comments, Insert, Edit and Delete Comments for WP

CommentPress wp plugin is a small but powerful plugin for wordpress that allows you to insert, edit and delete comments fast and easy. Free WordPress Plugins from CodeCanyon

Plugin Compatibility

High Resolution: Yes, Compatible Browsers: IE8, IE9, IE10, IE11, Firefox, Safari, Opera, Chrome, Compatible With: BuddyPress 1.6.1, BuddyPress 1.6, BuddyPress 1.5.3, BuddyPress 1.5.2, Software Version: WordPress 4.9.x, WordPress 4.8.x, WordPress 4.7.x, Wor

Why CommentPress - Ajax Comments, Insert, Edit and Delete Comments for WP?

- The Plugin for Wordpresswas purchased 492 times.
- The users have left 46 rating with final rating 4.48
The plugin was added 2013-04-19 and updates 2017-12-06
The Free Forms Plugin price = 19.00 $

Free Forms Wordpress Plugin
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Get plugin from


CommentPress is a small but powerful plugin for wordpress that allows you to insert, edit and delete comments fast and easy.

CommentPress uses Ajax, jQuery and PHP to insert comments for what you don’t need to reload the page.

This Plugin has many options to customize it and leave it to your liking, also includes a captcha to prevent comment spam and have more security in the forms.

Hope you enjoy it!

Main Features

  • Insert comments.
  • Reply to specific Comments
  • Edit Comments
  • Delete Comments
  • Loads and displays comments with Ajax without reloading the page.
  • Comment pagination, number of comments per page, number of comments to load.
  • Buttons to easily insert images, videos and links.New
  • Rating of Comments with buttons Like / Dislike. New
  • Limit of characters per comment.
  • Option to allow comment to registered users only, or also to non-registered.
  • CommentPress is fully Responsive.
  • Full validation of fields.
  • Captcha to give security to the form and avoid Spam.
  • Area of text auto incrementing.
  • Comments to Facebook-Style date format.
  • Automatic inclusion, using Shortcode, or Widget
  • 4 Styles available for customization.
  • Automatic inserted the plugin at the end of the content of your post. Or manual if necessary.
  • If you use BuddyPress, the comment author link will point to your BuddyPress user profile page.
  • Configuration page to customize the Plugin Options.
  • Fully compatible with WordPress 3.2 to 4.5.2
  • Support Custom Post Types
  • And more!

Examples and How to use

See examples and see how easy and fast it is to include it in any page or widget. See how to use it here

Theme Styles Examples

Fully customizable

Configuration page

My WordPress Plugins


v2.4.0 – 6 December 2017

  1. Update – Wordpress 4.9+ compatibility
  2. Added – I have added some texts that were missing to translate.
  3. Fixed – Fixed all reported problems.

v2.3.4 – 06 August 2017

  1. Update – Wordpress 4.8+ compatibility
  2. Added – New Option to change the Avatar size
  3. Added – New “Custom CSS” Option
  4. Fixed – Fixed all reported problems

v2.2.3 – 29 September 2016

  1. Update – Wordpress 4.6.1 compatibility
  2. Fixed – Fixed all reported problems

v2.0.2 – 29 January 2016

  1. Update – Wordpress 4.4.1 compatibility
  2. Update – Added Fully customizable, Now you can change the text color, background color, buttons, inputs, textarea, borders, etc
  3. Fixed – Fixed all reported problems

v1.7.6 – 20 September 2015

  1. Update – Wordpress 4.3 compatibility
  2. Fixed – When you disable the plugin, some options were breaking, have now been resolved.

v1.7.1 – 27 July 2015

  1. Update – Wordpress 4.2 compatibility
  2. Update – Added I added options for translation
  3. Fixed – Improved field layout – CSS

v1.6.6 – 1 November 2014

  1. Update – Wordpress 4.0 compatibility
  2. Update – Added “Not show in” option to exclude the comments box on some pages.
  3. Update – Added Options to show or hide the “Email” and “Website” fields on the comments form.
  4. Fixed – Some bugs reported

v1.5 – 18 June 2014

  1. Update – Wordpress 3.9 compatibility
  2. Update – New options have been added
  3. Update – Added order comments by (Most voted first)
  4. Fixed – Automatic notifications
  5. Fixed – Some bugs reported

v1.4 – 15 February 2014

  1. Update files
  2. Fixed – 500 Internal Server Error.

v1.3 – 6 June 2013

  1. Update – Added Comments Rating with buttons Like / Dislike
  2. Update – Added Automatic loading of comments to refresh the page
  3. Fixed – Improved field layout – CSS

v1.2 – 7 May 2013

  1. Update – Added Buttons to insert images, videos and links easily.
  2. Fixed – Improved field layout – CSS
  3. Fixed – Bugs fixes

v1.1 – 21 April 2013

  1. Update – Added Reply to Comments
  2. Update – Support Responsive
  3. Update – Support Widget and Shortcode
  4. Fixed – Improved field layout
  5. Fixed – Some design problems
  6. Fixed – Bugs fixes