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[WP] WP Mega Menu Pro – Responsive Mega Menu Plugin for WordPress - CodeCanyon Plugin

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WP Mega Menu Pro - Responsive Mega Menu Plugin for WordPress - Wordpress Plugin


Get premium INTERFACE Wordpress Plugin : WP Mega Menu Pro – Responsive Mega Menu Plugin for WordPress

Free WP Mega Menu Pro Plugin is a Premium WordPress plugin, where you can easily add widgets in a single or multiple group wise. You can assign specific column to specific group if you selected multiple type group for mega menu. Free WordPress Plugins from CodeCanyon

Plugin Compatibility

High Resolution: Yes, Compatible Browsers: IE11, Firefox, Safari, Opera, Chrome, Compatible With: WPML, WooCommerce 2.6.x, WooCommerce 2.5, Software Version: WordPress 4.9.x, WordPress 4.8.x, WordPress 4.7.x, WordPress 4.6.1, WordPress 4.6, WordPress 4.5.x

Why WP Mega Menu Pro - Responsive Mega Menu Plugin for WordPress?

- The Plugin for Wordpresswas purchased 1283 times.
- The users have left 33 rating with final rating 4.7
The plugin was added 2016-12-19 and updates 2018-03-05
The Free Interface Elements Plugin price = 18.00 $

Free Interface Elements Wordpress Plugin
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Get plugin from

WP Mega Menu Pro is a Premium WordPress plugin, where you can easily add widgets in a single or multiple group wise. You can assign specific column to specific group if you selected multiple type group for mega menu. This plugin includes both horizontal as well as vertical mega menu, it is a built in visual mega menu builder plugin with features to display menu as flyout or megamenu type with orientation as vertical or horizontal type.

Total of 14 Pre-Available beautifully designed skins and you can customize your menu bar with multiple customization options creating your own custom templates. Configure Menu wise settings from admin navigation page.

WP Mega Menu Pro - Sales Page

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Advanced Features List

  • Mega Menu/ Fly-out 14 Free Beautiful Colored Skins or Custom Design
  • 14 Pre available custom widgets with different layout
  • Single/Multiple Group Mega Menu Type
  • Supports Flyout or Mega Menu sub-menu styles
  • Widgetized Mega Menu with Visual Builder Drag and Drop Position Method
  • Horizontal and Vertical Menus
  • 5 Available Inbuilt Menu Icons / Custom Icons
    • 650+ Font Awesome Icons
    • 120+ Genericons
    • 160+ Dash Icons
    • 400+ IcoMoon
    • 40+ Line Icons
  • Top/ Bottom Section for Mega Menu
  • Unlimited Custom Item Styling
  • Advanced Menu Items(Horizontal/Vertical Tabbed) with trigger effect and different animation.
  • Menu Label Animation
  • Upload Background Image
  • Menu Replacement Settings 
    • Login Type
    • Register Type
    • Search Type
      • Popup Form Type
      • Mega Menu Type
      • Inline Type
    • Woocommerce Cart Total
    • Logo Image
  • Roles and restriction
  • Enable Sticky Mega Menu
  • Custom CSS
  • Translation Ready & Fully Responsive
  • Tested on all modern browsers
  • Touch Friendly and Search Engine Optimized

General Settings :

Enable Mega Menu Settings

Create Mega Menu Settings :

Customer Reviews

WP Mega Menu Pro - Customer Reviews WP Mega Menu Pro - Customer Reviews WP Mega Menu Pro - Customer Reviews WP Mega Menu Pro - Customer Reviews WP Mega Menu Pro - Customer Reviews WP Mega Menu Pro - Customer Reviews WP Mega Menu Pro - Customer Reviews WP Mega Menu Pro - Customer Reviews WP Mega Menu Pro - Customer Reviews WP Mega Menu Pro - Customer Reviews

Lifetime Dedicated Support

- You can find us anytime when you have some queries, problems or with any valuable suggestions for plugin or us. You can find us through following ways:

Constant Free Upgrades

- Not fixed on dates, but we assure you to provide you new updates and feature upgrade in the plugin at regular basis.

Some Major Change logs


Added Feature: Added Disable Menu divider option in Theme Settings while creating/editing custom theme templates.
Added Feature: Added video demo tutorials link on How to Use page of our plugin's backend.
Issue Resolved: Compatibility check and support to Text widget
Issue Resolved: Custom Theme CSS issue resolved.
Issue Resolved: Horizontal/Vertical Tabbed total column modification setup on back-end issue resolved.
Issue Resolved: Animation for Menu Label issue resolved.
Refinements: Frontend CSS and JS refinement work
Added Link: Added featured image size options for widget "WPMM Pro: Display Posts By category" and added a tag for all featured image displayed with widgets for mega menu.
Issue Resolved: issues fixed with conflict with colorpicker with external plugins
Issue Resolved: CSS Conflict with Woocommerce Products Sales Button issue resolved.


Added Feature: Added new custom feature for horizontal and vertical tabbed customization options on custom theme settings.
Refinement and Fixed Issues: Checked Plugin compatible with WP version 4.9 and resolved the issue related with color picker and resolved the issue shown on "Custom Theme Settings Edit Page".
Refinement: Few refining works done for js and css.
Resolved: Issues related with on hover third menu items displaying next second menu item's sub menu items resolved.


Refinement and Fixed Issues: Resolved the issue related with responsive mobile.
Refinement: Some CSS , JS and code refining works
Added Feature: Added HTML Text Widget of our plugin to add any html text or iframe for map scripts
Resolved: Issue related with group method and newly added sub menu items to automatically displayed on widget section of backend menu items on group section resolved.
Resolved and Modified : Modified Code related with multiple text domain name. 


Refinement and Fixed Issues: Resolved the issue related with responsive mobile for mega menu about content displaying and refinement on main code files.


Added Feature: We have added feature to setup specific responsive breakpoint in pixel for Pre Available template from Mega Menu General Settings > Mobile Settings.
Refining CSS/JS: We have done some refining works on our javascript file, responsive and main plugin css file.
Fixed Issue:
i) We have fixed issue related with multiple grouping setup in backend section and frontend display column issue.
ii) We have fixed issue related with slide effects on megamenu on responsive.


Added Feature: Assign mobile menu for specific menu location which simply means you can assign different menu for specific desktop menu location while user visited through mobile from create menu page on metabox of Select WP Mega Menu Pro Settings.
Refining CSS/JS: Some of the refining codes on frontend js and responsive css file.
Fixed Issue: Issue related with animation for menu label fixed.


Added Feature: RTL Compatibility with enable RTL button on back-end.
Added Feature: Added Custom Field for Popup Search form on Custom theme settings.
Refining CSS/JS: Custom theme settings refining css and javascript
Code Refining: Resolved Issue on iPad  with some refining JS and CSS code.


Fixed Issue: Issue related with JS and CSS on hover effect issues resolved.
Added Feature: Disable description option for specific menu on back-end.
Added Feature: Show menu to all users option in roles and restriction settings.
Refinement: Some of the back-end as well as front-end css refining.

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