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[DL] Travelo 3.1 – Responsive Booking WordPress Theme - ThemeForest Theme

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Travelo - Travel/Tour Booking WordPress Theme - Wordpress Theme


Get premium RETAIL Wordpress Theme : Travelo 3.1 – Responsive Booking WordPress Theme

Free Travelo WordPress Theme is a simple product which makes possible the User to book an offer by writing personal details, which will be approved/declined from the agent of the tour company. The main importance is on the filter, which can categorize your offers for better search results. Free Retail WordPress Themes from ThemeForest

Theme Compatibility

High Resolution: No, Widget Ready: Yes, Compatible Browsers: IE9, IE10, IE11, Firefox, Safari, Opera, Chrome, Edge, Compatible With: WPML, WooCommerce 3.2.x, WooCommerce 3.1.x, WooCommerce 3.0.x, WooCommerce 2.6.x, WooCommerce 2.5, WooCommerce 2.4.x, Visua

Why Travelo - Travel/Tour Booking WordPress Theme?

- The Theme for Wordpresswas purchased 3666 times.
- The users have left 318 rating with final rating 4.52
The plugin was added 2015-01-02 and updates 2018-03-09
The Free Premium Theme price = 59.00 $

Free Premium Wordpress Theme
accommodation, accommodation booking, booking theme, holiday, hotel, hotel booking, multi language, reservation, responsive, rtl, tour, tour booking, travel, travel booking, wpml

Get theme from

Travelo – Travel/Tour Booking Wordpress Theme is one of the best Hotel and Tour booking theme in the world.
This theme has not only great skin and layout, but also wonderful booking module which allows you to use for any type of hotel & tour booking. This provides tons of features and you will like it.

Travelo HTML Template

Citytours WordPress Theme

Theme Logo Travelo Payment Methods Travelo Booking Intro Travelo Responsive Intro Travelo Dashboard Intro Travelo Shortcodes Intro Travelo Icon Pack Travelo Theme Options Travelo Features 1 Travelo Features 2 Travelo Features 3


  • Powerful Hotel/Tour Booking/Search System
  • 100% Fully Responsive & Flat Design
  • Handy Theme Options Panel
  • PayPal Payment Integration
  • WooCommerce Integration – Various Payment Options and Sell Products
  • Visual Composer Integration
  • WPML compatible
  • Business Partner Feature ( Property Owner User Role )
  • SignUp/Login Modal
  • 10 Site Skins
  • 8 Header Styles
  • 6 Footer Skins
  • 55+ Useful Shortcodes
  • Dashboard Page
  • Blog integration
  • Megamenu
  • Sticky Menu Bar
  • Ajax Pagination
  • Ajax Photo Gallery & Map popup
  • Currency Management
  • Custom Style
  • Custom Sidebar
  • Flexible Page Layouts
  • Contact Form 7 support
  • Great Custom Widgets
  • Translation Ready
  • 12 Homepage Layouts
  • Custom Avatar
  • Easy to Customize
  • Grid/Block/List View
  • HTML5 + CSS3+ SCSS
  • Custom Icon Pack
  • Font Awesome Icon Integration
  • CSS3 Animations
  • Bootstrap3 based
  • Visual Composer included ( Save $34 )
  • Revolution Slider included ( Save $25 )
  • Layer Slider included ( Save $22 )
  • Ready to Use Demo Content
  • Optimized For Speed

You can check backend screenshots and documentation for more detail.

Reviews From Our Buyers

Travelo Reviews from Customers Travelo Reviews from Customers Travelo Reviews from Customers Travelo Reviews from Customers


Credits (Photos – Logos)

Note: Any Images or logos used in previews are not included in this item or final purchase and you need to contact authors to get permission in case you want to use them in your commercial or non-commercial projects.

Please check for more detail



Version 2.0.0 ( March 09, 2018 )

- Updated plugins to up-to-date
- Updated templates to be compatible with WooCommerce 3.3.2
- Updated to be compatible with WPML plugin
- Updated to be compatible with PHP v7.x
- Updated PayPal integration
- Added "Demo Import" admin dashboard
- Fixed Hotel/Tour Search page issue
- Fixed minor styles

Version 1.9.5 ( November 02, 2017 )

- Updated plugins to up-to-date
- Updated templates to be compatible with WooCommerce 3.2.x
- Updated to use decimal prices in vacancy
- Updated to be compatible with Multi-language
- Fixed screen error in WooCommerce 
- Fixed RTL style

Version 1.9.4 ( September 22, 2017 )

- Updated to be compatible with WordPress v4.8.2
- Updated plugins to up-to-date
- Updated to be compatible with WooCommerce 3.1.x
- Updated Visual Composer templates
- Updated Hotel Sliders
- Updated Page Pre-loader JS
- Updated theme scripts
- Updated Single Hotel Page for Multi Languages
- Fixed Currency Converter

Version 1.9.3 ( June 06, 2017 )

- Updated User registration functions,
- Fixed Sign-up page template redirect function,
- Fixed WooCommerce Mini Cart,
- Fixed minor style issues,

Version 1.9.2 ( May 08, 2017 )

- Added Hotel page link in Room page breadcrumbs,
- Updated Room type page templates,
- Fixed issues related to WooCommerce 3.x,
- Fixed minor style issues,

Version 1.9.1 ( May 06, 2017 )

- Added Options to manage filters in Accommodation List Page,
- Added Options to manage filters in Tour List Page,
- Update Location page to show Tours and Accommodations
- Update Slider Revolution plugin,
- Update LayerSlider Plugin,
- Fixed Discount,
- Fixed Order update function with WooCommerce integration,
- Fixed Booking notification email with WooCommerce integration
- Fixed missing info in Cart page,
- Fixed Datpicker Calendar issue,
- Fixed minor style issues,

Version 1.9.0 ( April 12, 2017 )

- Added WooCommerce Product functionality,
- Added WooCommerce Product page layout,
- Added WooCommerce Options in Theme Options panel,
- Update Slider Revolution plugin,
- Update Visual Composer plugin,
- Update LayerSlider Plugin,
- Update jQuery FlexSlider,
- Updated Shortcode class,
- Updated Schedules manage panel,
- Updated Reviews manage panel,
- Updated Vacancies manage panel,
- Updated Booking manage panel,
- Updated Currencies manage panel,
- Updated Breadcrumbs,
- Fixed Currency issue after WooCommerce Integration,
- Fixed Demo import issue,
- Fixed Datpicker Calendar issue,
- Fixed minor style issues,

Version 1.8.0 ( November 05, 2016 )

- Added "One-click" Demo Importer,
- Added Demo Importer page in admin,

- Updated Slider Revolution plugin,
- Updated Visual Composer plugin,
- Updated LayerSlider Plugin,
- Updated WooCommerce page templates, 

- Fixed Datepicker Calendar to be translatable.
- Fixed Admin Amenity page,
- Fixed Post Gallery function,
- Fixed Tour date to be translatable,
- Fixed minor style issues,

Version 1.7.3 ( July 15, 2016 )

- Updated Slider Revolution,
- Updated Visual Composer
- Added Google Map API Key option
- Fixed minor issues

Version 1.7.2 ( May 31, 2016 )

- Fixed meta box issue

Version 1.7.1 ( May 20, 2016 )

- Updated meta box
- Added Room-type page template
- Fixed Room-type page breadcrumb

Version 1.7 ( May 10, 2016 )

- WooCommerce Integration
- Make theme compatible with WooCommerce
- Fixed some Shortcode issues.

Version 1.6.3 ( April 15, 2016 )

- Updated Visual Composer plugin
- Fixed issues with WordPress 4.5

Version 1.6.2 ( April 7, 2016 )

- Updated Visual Composer plugin
- Updated Visual Composer issues
- Updated Sample Data with Visual Composer

Version 1.6.1 ( March 23, 2016 )

- Fixed minor issues

Version 1.6.0 ( March 8, 2016 )

- Fixed currency issue
- Fixed some shortcodes and Visual Composer issue
- Fixed some javascript issue

Version 1.5.9 ( February 26, 2016 )

- Fixed WPML issue
- Fixed some javascript issue
- Fixed currency converter issue
- Fixed visual composer issue

Version 1.5.8 ( January 20, 2016 )

- Fixed WPML issues
- Fixed currency menu issue in header

Version 1.5.7 ( November 4, 2015 )

- Fixed wordpress 4.3+ compatibility issues
- Updated redux framework core to latest version
- Updated tgm activation core to latest version
- Add map_type attribute to map shortcode
- Updated visual composer and revslider to latest version
- Fixed some minor issues
- Fixed country, city filter issue for tours shortcode
- Fixed some issue on dashboard page

Version 1.5.4 ( August 24, 2015 )

- Fixed some admin fields for tax, discount, price value so users can add decimal value
- Updated accommodations, tours and posts shortocode layout.
- Fixed some minor issues.

Version 1.5.3 ( July 14, 2015 )

- Fixed megamenu on/off issue
- Added paypal payment without account
- Fixed multiple sidebar issue

Version 1.5.2 ( June 18, 2015 )

- Fixed sidebar issue
- Fixed user update issue on dashboard
- Updated visual composer plugin to latest version (secure version)

Version 1.5 ( June 12, 2015 )

- Added visual composer integration
- Added compatibility under php5.3
- Fixed booking form issue in firefox and safari
- Fixed countries list issue on user dashboard
- Fixed styling issue that is occurred when accommodation and tour is listed on same page
- Fixed custom sidebar issue on custom post type page
- Fixed tour wpml issue
- Fixed chaser menu issue

Version 1.4.2 ( June 3, 2015 )

- Added more homepage layouts
- Added bg-slider page template
- Fixed issue with custom amenity icons
- Fixed issue when currency is not set
- Fixed shortcode render issue on travel guide panel

Version 1.4 ( May 25, 2015 )

- Added boxed version
- Updated theme options panel 
- Added change logo size option
- Added disable sticky header option
- Added language button in mobile menu
- Added map fix attribute to map shortcode
- Added tour booking history in user dashbard
- Added custom css and custom js field to options panel
- Added woocommerce payment gateway addon compatibility
- Fixed slider auto resize on hotel detail page
- Fixed gallery popup closing issue on ipad

Version 1.3.4 ( Apr 30, 2015 )

- Added RTL support
- Added category filter attribute to blog shortcode
- Change booking status to completed after start date is passed and so customer can't change/cancel booking
- Fixed an issue with currency converter for some currencies that exchange rate > 1000
- Fixed duplicated hotel&tour listing issue in search when duplicated meta value exists in database

Version 1.3.3 ( Apr 24, 2015 )

- Updated TGM-Plugin-Activation code to latest version 2.4.1 to avoid security vulnerability
- Updated translation file for tour module
- Updated sample data
- Fixed an issue with child price calculation in tour module
- Fixed css issue on mobile device
- Fixed some spelling issues

Version 1.3 ( Apr 12, 2015 )

- Added accommodation type & location attribute to accommodations shortcode
- Added 5 more shortcodes
- Added latest tour widget
- Added WPML language dropdown to header menu
- Updated searchform shortcode
- Fixed an issue with review backend function
- Fixed minor css issues
- Fixed mail function to make it compatible with SMTP plugin
- Fixed issue with accommodation archive page title
- Fixed captcha issue on nginx server
- Optimized some functions

Version 1.2 ( Feb 26, 2015 )

- Added WPML compatibility
- Added room_type filter by accommodation in room_type admin area
- Updated accommodations shortcode to work with location filter
- Added a switch to enable/disable edit/cancel booking for each accommodation
- Added some minor features.
- Fixed an issue with rooms in trash
- Fixed some spelling issues

Version 1.1.1 ( Feb 14, 2015 )

- Added a emergency login function when wrong login page is set ( /wp-login.php?no_redirect=1 )
- Default tab in accommodation detail
- Booking updated/canceled email to admin and business owner
- Emailing to admin when a post(accommodations and room_types) is waiting for approval.
- Zipcode validation removed for global use
- Fixed issue with live paypal
- Fixed marker issue on google map
- Fixed an issue with footer2 logo
- Fixed some links to open in new tab such as social links
- Fixed issue with country code auto-fill on booking form
- Fixed issue in map shorcode when longitude is a negative number

Version 1.1 ( Feb 06, 2015 )

- Added PayPal Integration
- Added Property Owner User Role
- Login Modal Enable/Disable Feature
- Fixed issue with datepicker when date type is dd/mm/yy
- Updated search feature with 1+ rooms

Version 1.0.3 ( Jan 16, 2015 )

- Make datepicker to clever ( so for date_to field you can't pick dates before than date_from date )
- Fixed time ago calculation issue in dashboard
- Fixed issue with datepicker when date type is dd/mm/yy
- Fixed issue with header search form on header2
- Fixed block view issue in accommdation archive page.

Version 1.0.2 ( Jan 14, 2015 )

- Added currency position option so admin can add currency label before or after of price field
- Added decimal precision option
- Added currency display format option
- Added date picker format option so admin can change date formart to mm/dd/yy, dd/mm/yy or yy-mm-dd
- Fixed login button issue on header6
- Fixed twitter widget issue
- Fixed child field clone issue in vacancy admin panel
- Fixed avatar issue on blog comment
- Fixed location custom taxonomy image upload issue

Version 1.0.1 ( Jan 08, 2015 )

- Fixed child price visibility issue on vacancies admin panel
- Fixed issue with option panel in child theme
- Fixed issue with image upload problem in location taxonomy panel
- Fixed chaser menu issue when page-loading enabled
- Added redirect to homepage on accommodation booking page direct access

Initial Release ( Jan 02, 2015 )