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[DOWNLOAD] DW Question & Answer Pro – WordPress Plugin - CodeCanyon Plugin

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DW Question & Answer Pro - WordPress Plugin - Wordpress Plugin


Get premium FORUMS Wordpress Plugin : DW Question & Answer Pro – WordPress Plugin

Free DW Question & Answer Pro WordPress Plugin is an all-time favourite question & answer plugin for WordPress. Your WordPress site will have a full-featured question & answer section like StackOverflow, Quora or Yahoo Answers. Free WordPress Plugins from CodeCanyon

Plugin Compatibility

High Resolution: No, Compatible Browsers: IE9, IE10, IE11, Firefox, Safari, Opera, Chrome, Software Version: WordPress 4.9.x, WordPress 4.8.x, WordPress 4.7.x, WordPress 4.6.1, WordPress 4.6, WordPress 4.5.x, WordPress 4.5.2, WordPress 4.5.1, WordPress 4.5

Why DW Question & Answer Pro - WordPress Plugin?

- The Plugin for Wordpresswas purchased 1157 times.
- The users have left 47 rating with final rating 4.26
The plugin was added 2016-03-07 and updates 2018-01-31
The Free Forums Plugin price = 39.00 $

A WordPress plugin developed by to build a complete Question & Answer system for your WordPress site like Quora, Stackoverflow, etc.

Free Forums Wordpress Plugin
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DW Question & Answer Pro is an all-time favourite question & answer plugin for WordPress. Your WordPress site will have a full-featured question & answer section like StackOverflow, Quora or Yahoo Answers.

Features List

With the DW Question & Answer Pro, we provide you with many new features as well as special support priority for our customers. Here are some of the highlights to show why DW Question & Answer Pro plugin should be a strong contender compared with other existing plugins in this category.

What Our Customer Says

With over 2 years of development, DW Question & Answer lite has been serving 10,000+ websites all over the world. We are happy to have many up votes and happy customers, here are some of those:

Questions Listing Page

DW Question & Answer Pro provides you with a short-code, helping you display all questions on one page at your choice. Besides, the question listing page also integrates with many features such as Filter, Sort, Pagination, Search, etc.

Ask Question Form

You can set ask question form on a sidebar or a separate page. With this feature, users can set the title question, provide detailed descriptions with HTML or Markdown, assign it to a category and tag it to help increase site exposure.

Manage Questions on Front-End

All features (such as edit, delete, sticky, follow, change question status) can be handled from front-end. This makes it easier for users to decentralize members rights on your website, allowing you to manage the community in an easy and convenient way.

Answer / Comment feature

Comment and answer feature are definitely indispensable in DW Question & Answer Pro. Answer form is supported in HTML or Markdown format. Your user can submit entry in private mode to provide confidential credentials such as website admin, FTP account in case you are using the Q&A as a helpdesk system.


This is also a key feature in a Question & Answer system which can be considered as the biggest difference between the Q & A system and traditional Forum. This feature helps people vote for other people’s questions that they’re interested in.

Views Count

No need to instal any extra plugin, DW Question & Answer automatically counts views each time someone views the question. This feature of DW Question & Answers Pro helps you filter questions by the popularity on your website.

Pick Best Answer

The question owner can pick the best answer from his judgment, this answer will be stick right after the question, helping other readers easily and quickly find the right answer.

Email Notifications

Whenever there is a new question, answer or comment, the system will send an email to admin’s or question followers. DW Question & Answer email system also supports custom HTML template, which you can easily add custom style to your emails.

Instant Search

This is also an outstanding feature of DW Question & Answer. Ajax-based solution helps you quickly search information while entering parts of your text, a similar way you might see in Google.

Anti-spam by reCaptcha / FunCaptcha

To avoid spam, we integrate reCaptcha and FunCaptcha into Question and Answer form (it can be turn on/off).

2 Custom Shortcodes

  • [dwqa-list-questions]: Display question list with filter, search, pagination, order.
  • [dwqa-ask-question]: Display ask question form.

7 Custom Widgets

  • DWQA Categories / Tags: Show a list of question categories or tags.
  • DWQA Ask Form: Show question form.
  • DWQA Latest Questions: Show a list of latest questions.
  • DWQA Featured Questions: Show a list of featured questions.
  • DWQA Closed Questions: Show a list of closed questions.
  • DWQA Related Questions: Show a list of related questions on a single question.
  • DWQA Leaderboard: Show a list of most active members.

Perfect fit with every WordPress theme

With a lightweight and simple design, which inherited most of the attributes of WordPress themes available on the marketplace such as Twenty Ten to Twenty Sixteen, Avada, Genesis, Thesis, Divi, etc. We have tested this plugin with almost prominent themes in the marketplace, and our plugin is well compatible with most of them. In a few specific theme, it might need a bit tweaks to fully integrate our QA Pro plugin however, this should be minor customization only.

Multi-Language Support (20+ languages available)

This plugin is fully translatable and this plugin has been translated to 20+ language by our users. Including: English (default), Arabic, Chinese, Traditional Chinese, French, German, Indonesian, Persian, Polish, Romanian, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, Thai, Hindi, Catalan, Vietnamese, Czech, Italian, Croatian, Slovakia, Norwegian, etc.

Differences between the Free and Pro version of DW Question & Answer

The pro version of DW Question & Answer has been improved a lot since we have collected suggestions from our beloved users and added them into DW Q&A. You can see and demo here: If the demos aren’t enough, read these lines to take a closer inspection at the differences between the free and the pro version of DW Question & Answer:
  • Different styles: As you can see in the demos, both versions of DW Question & Answer have unique and different styles.
  • Extra extensions: DW Question & Answer Pro is integrated with 4 premium extensions: DW Q&A Widgets, DW Q&A Leaderboard, DW Q&A Markdown, and DW Q&A Captcha. Each extension costs $29 and if you purchase the pro version, you’ll save at least $92 for yourself, because we are constantly updating the DW Question & Answer with many more cool premium extensions.
    • Widgets: The free version supports 4 custom widgets while the pro version supports 7.
    • Leaderboard: The Pro version can list who makes great contributions as well as provides friendly competitions for your community.
    • Markdown:
      • The markdown feature in the Pro version of DW Q&A Pro helps you to edit the plain text without using HTML formatting tags, now you can read and edit drafts with ease.
      • Reviewable before submitting.
      • Spell check.
    • Anti-spam by reCaptcha / FunCaptcha: DW Q&A Pro is integrated with reCaptcha / FunCaptcha so you don’t have to worry about obnoxious spam.

Take a look at one of the most favourite Question and Answer WordPress Theme

We are about to optimize our Pro version, so if you have any suggestions, please leave a comment down here. We’ll appreciate that.


1.1.3  ( 30 January 18 )
Integrate Yoast SEO breadcrumb 
New: Shortcode: [dwqa-search-form] 
Fix: Answer not count in private question.
Fix: The Question break style after search 
Fix: Error date/time in list question

1.1.2  ( 30 November 17 )
- Fix: Unvote Question/Answer
- Update: Compatible with the Ultimate Member plugin
- Update: Compatible with the WP 4.9+
- New: Option to Select the style in the Questions > Settings
- New: Option to enable Categories Slug First Single Question Link.

1.1.1 ( 2 November 17 )
- New: Add option approve answer
- New: Show anonymous email
- New: Option to show/hide author, date for wigets
- New: Shortcode to submit question for each category [dwqa-submit-question-form category="catslug"]
- Fix: Widget translate
- Fix: Permission settings
- Fix: Notifycation email
- Fix: integrate Buddypress (post not found!)
- Fix: Slug of Q&A tab in buddypress

1.1.0 (10 October 17)
- New: Add answer tab to the buddypress
- New: Add an option to edit tab name in the buddypress
- New: Allow selecting the Register page instead WordPress default.

1.0.9 (8 October 17)
- New: Add Comment Captcha
- Fix: Fix error integrate buddypress.
- Fix: Fix Duplicate comment after refresh page.

1.0.8 (4 October 17)
- New: Allow upload files in questions & answers.
- New: Allows anonymous users to vote
- New: Add Setting time to auto close the questions 
- New: Prioritize the Staff answer will show on the top list.
- New: Integrated Notify and admin bar in the BuddyPress
- New: Integrate Akismet AntiSpam
- New: Optimize speed
- New: Update languages RU, IT

- Fix: Fix blank page in the single question
- Fix: Fix plugin does not load page.php file in child themes

1.0.7 (12 September 16)
- New: add upgrade database function
- Fix: Fix style for RTL languages
- Fix: Fix PHP Error when submit question

1.0.6 (15 August 16)
- Tweak: Anonymous cannot submit private answer or private question anymore
- Tweak: Add some filter
- Tweak: Hide select status when user not logged in
- Fix: Some bug about notifications
- Fix: Author of question or answer can't see their question or answer
- Fix: Time of question and answer show not correctly

1.0.5 (28 June 16)
- Tweak: Email and Name field are require field when to submitting question or answer
- New: load template from child theme
- New: Support RTL languages
- New: Short-code list question by category [dwqa-list-questions category="question"]
- Fix: Duplicate comment when to reloading page
- Fix: Latest Activity

1.0.4 (26 April 16)
- Fix: reCaptcha
- Fix: click link in email
- Fix: lost comment template when to enabling Disqus

1.0.3 (22 March 16)
- Tweak: Remove some old function
- Tweak: Update language files
- Tweak: Remove Google reCaptcha lib
- Tweak: Remove some filter
- New: Integrates with Advanced Ads
- Fix: New paragraphs when to submitting question/answer when using markdown editor
- Fix: Some string can translate
- Fix: Lost style user badge when to changing language
- Fix: Fatal error with Google reCaptcha when user PHP 5.2 or older

1.0.2 (18 March 16)
- New: Login forms in single question and asks question page
- Fix: Fatal error in question list page
- Fix: Paginate link in categories/tags page

1.0.1 (10 March 16)
- New: Update language
- Fix: wrong redirect in pagination

1.0.0 (7 March 16)
- First Released