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Smart Navigation Widgets - Wordpress Plugin


Get premium WIDGETS Wordpress Plugin : Smart Navigation Widgets

Smart Navigation Widgets is plugin with 4 widgets (and 1 bonus widget) ideal for bloggers or any other WordPress users with big archives that can be hard to navigate. Using this plugin, you can display AJAX powered archive widget that shows only small portion of archives to user, and allows … Free WordPress Plugins from CodeCanyon

Plugin Compatibility

Compatible Browsers: IE8, IE9, IE10, IE11, Firefox, Safari, Opera, Chrome, Compatible With: WooCommerce 2.6.x, WooCommerce 2.5, WooCommerce 2.4.x, Jigoshop 1.17.x, Jigoshop 1.16.x, bbPress 2.5.x, bbPress 2.4.x, bbPress 2.3.x, Software Version: WordPress 4.

Why Smart Navigation Widgets?

- The Plugin for Wordpresswas purchased 285 times.
- The users have left 24 rating with final rating 4.08
The plugin was added 2012-12-26 and updates 2017-04-05
The Free Premium WordPress WidgetsPlugin price = 25.00 $

Add dynamic, AJAX powered widgets for displaying navigation items based on different criteria and content type: date, hierarchical taxonomies and post types.

Free Premium WordPress Widgets Wordpress Plugin
ajax, categories, custom source, date archives, exclude, hierarchy, menu, nav menu, pages, post type, sidebar, sort, taxonomy, taxonomy archives

Get plugin from

Smart Navigation Widgets is plugin with 4 widgets (and 1 bonus widget) ideal for bloggers or any other WordPress users with big archives that can be hard to navigate. Using this plugin, you can display AJAX powered archive widget that shows only small portion of archives to user, and allows him to navigate deeper only when he needs to.

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No more long lists of date archives that take up a lot of space, or endless list of categories and pages. Plugin is designed for use with hierarchical taxonomies (like category) and hierarchical post types (like pages). But, with some extra options you can allow use of non-hierarchical taxonomies and post types.

Included Widgets

  • Taxonomy Archives: categories and hierarchical custom taxonomies
  • Hierarchy Content: pages and hierarchical custom post types
  • Date Archives: date based decade/year/month/day archives
  • Navigation Menu: WordPress designed menus hierarchy

Bonus Widgets

  • Custom Source: data provided by your own PHP functions

Widget: Date Based Archives

Widget: Date Based Archives Using this widget you can show list of dates based archives: years, months or dates. You can set different combinations of hierarchical elements. And widget can display partial archives based on currently open archive.

Widget: Nav Menu Hierarchy

Widget: Nav Menu Hierarchy You can design hierarchical menu using WordPress own Menus designer, and than use that menu with this widget. It can be set to any inner level item of the menu, or it can detect current page to show only submenu items.

Widget: Taxonomy Archives

Widget: Taxonomy Archives This widget is made for standard taxonomy based archives (categories), with support for custom taxonomies and filtering by post type. You can choose terms to exclude, you can set root term, or detect current term to show only hierarchy under that term.

Widget: Hierarchy Content

Widget: Hierarchy Content If you need to show hierarchy of WordPress pages (or any custom post type), you can use this widget. It can exclude pages, set root page or detect current page for partial navigation. It has many different sorting options.

Animation, Style, Limit, Sorting and other Settings

Animation, Style, Limit, Sorting and other Settings Each widget allows you to set displayed items limits for first and inner levels . You can control opening animation and style (with extra CSS class option added). Most widgets support changes in sorting and other things that can be useful to make widget look and work the way you need it.

Benefits of using this plugin

  • If you have too many links on the page because of normal archives widgets, this plugin will show only some links, and that can help with search engines that generally don’t like too many links on a single page (Google recommends up to 100-150 links per page).
  • Using these widget can speed up websites with long list of categories, pages or date based archives, depending on the number of items usually displayed. Complex hierarchies can take a lot of SQL queries to generate links (depends on the permalinks settings in WordPress).
  • Long lists can be intimidating for users and very hard to follow. Using widgets in this plugin, you will use up less space on the page, and leave it to user to find what they need through drill down hierarchy. Archives are made to be displayed in levels.

Other Features

  • Works great with forums hierarchy for bbPress Forums plugin.
  • Supports archive intersections from GD Custom Posts And Taxonomies Tools Pro plugin.
  • Mark current item in widget tree with CSS class.
  • Show item description for taxonomy, nav menu and hierarchy content widgets.
  • Enable or disable each plugins widget from settings panel.
  • Shortcode or function to display widget anywhere on the page.
  • Each widget uses AJAX to load items when needed.
  • Optimized custom functions to get all widgets data.
  • Very easy to style to fit with any theme.
  • Comes with 5 predefined styles.
  • Support translation and includes POT file.

For Developers

  • Each widget can use Dummy Data to generate random items.
  • Example on how to use Custom Source widget.
  • PDF Developers Guide for reference of filters and functions

Custom Source Widget

Detailed information on how to setup and use Custom Source Widget is provided in Developers Guide. To use this widget you need to write custom code according to widget specification. This widget is disabled by default. This widget is for developers only!


This is an unbelievably great plugin. Thanks for creating what many of us have been looking for.

   from user slinky, full comment here.

I wanted to publicly thank you for the recent awesome shortcode update! It works so well and is so much more flexible! Support has been awesome too.

   from user WPWiseOwl, full comment here.

I’ve been looking for a simple plugin to show my sites pages using this technique for ages! Well Done!

   from user taliwalt, full comment here.

I would like to thank the team for helping me out to use this plugin. Your support was great ! And the plugin is just what I was looking for so long.

   from user nightrider85, full comment here.


Version 2.5.3 / 2017.04.01.

  • Changed: Clone function replaced by the clone keyword
  • Fixed: Warning for the missing snw_get_term_children() function call
  • Fixed: Warning with missing parameter on save for widgets settings

Version 2.5.2 / 2016.07.19.

  • Added: Separate styling CSS file for the Widgets admin panel
  • Fixed: Styling issues with the Widgets admin panel

Version 2.5.1 / 2015.10.07.

  • Changed: Some minor styling improvements
  • Fixed: Taxonomy based on current term display broken
  • Fixed: Missing few strings from translation POT file
  • Fixed: Broken About panel on admin side

Version 2.5 / 2015.04.29.

  • Added: Developer documentation expanded with visibility filters
  • Added: Better exclusion of child posts for hierarchy content widget
  • Added: Better exclusion of child terms for taxonomy archives widget
  • Changed: Several minor styling changes and improvements
  • Fixed: Taxonomy archive doesn’t show list of terms for exclusion
  • Fixed: Wrong filter name for all widgets arguments and visibility
  • Fixed: Few minor visual issues with displaying exclusion lists
  • Fixed: Minor problems with compressed JavaScript code
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