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[NULLED] YITH WooCommerce Name Your Price Premium 1.0.13 - CodeCanyon Plugin

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WooCommerce Dynamic Pricing & Discounts - Wordpress Plugin


Get premium YITH Wordpress Plugin : YITH WooCommerce Name Your Price Premium 1.0.13

With Free YITH WooCommerce Name Your Price, you will offer your users the freedom to pick a price, in order to understand the true market price, or simply having a different approach to sales. The plugin offers you also to suggest an ideal price to users, and to set a … Free YITH WordPress Plugins from CodeCanyon

Plugin Compatibility

High Resolution: Yes, Compatible Browsers: IE10, IE11, Firefox, Safari, Opera, Chrome, Edge, Compatible With: WooCommerce 3.2.x, WooCommerce 3.1.x, WooCommerce 3.0.x, WooCommerce 2.6.x, WooCommerce 2.5, WooCommerce 2.4.x, Software Version: WordPress 4.9.x,

Why WooCommerce Dynamic Pricing & Discounts?

- The Plugin for Wordpresswas purchased 13372 times.
- The users have left 378 rating with final rating 4.6
The plugin was added 2014-03-12 and updates 2018-02-16
The Free WooCommerce PluginsPlugin price = 49.00 $

All-purpose product pricing, cart discount and checkout fee tool for WooCommerce

Free WooCommerce Plugins Wordpress Plugin
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Get plugin from

WooCommerce Dynamic Pricing & Discounts is an all-purpose pricing and promotion tool for online retailers. Its power lies in its flexibility – loads of pricing methods and conditions can be combined to fit virtually any pricing strategy.

This actively maintained extension can easily replace multiple tools – use it for regular sales, promotions, special offers, bulk pricing, tiered pricing, bundle pricing, deals of the day, flash sales, wholesale pricing, member pricing, individual pricing, loyalty programs, behavioral pricing, location-based pricing etc. You can also conditionally increase prices or charge extra fees when needed.

Best Dynamic Pricing & Discounts Extension For WooCommerce. See It In Action!

Simple and straight forward to setup complex rules. Tried quite a few others but this one comes tops! – stumas
Fantastic plugin. I’ve tried other bulk discount style plugins, but this is the only one I’ve been able to configure exactly to my specifications. Worked flawlessly for me. Highly recommended! – ChaseMountains
Worked with other plugins and it costed me over half of a workday to get nothing done. Then I found this plugin, bought it, installed it and 2 min’s later I was good to go. AWESOME WORK! THANKS IN A MILLION! – antzproductions

Boost Your Sales
Sell more! Set up attractive discounts for customers who buy large quantities. Run special Christmas, Easter or Black Friday promotions. Set up clearance or flash sales. All laptops 15% off until midnight! Free case with each cell phone! Using this extension, you can set up the most powerful promotions in minutes!

Increase Customer Loyalty
Create long term pricing strategies to keep your best customers engaged. Reward customers that reach specific lifetime goals (money spent, orders completed). Use one store for both retail and wholesale sales. Start a club and offer insider discounts. Set up discounts for individual clients based on direct agreements.

Have Questions? Documentation, Q&A, One-On-One Support. Visit Support Site

WooCommerce Dynamic Pricing

Dynamic Pricing functionality adjusts the product price based on a set of rules that are managed from a single user interface. Target a specific variation, entire shop or anything in between. Dozens of conditions and priority options ensure that only the right rules are applied at any time.

✔ Simple Adjustment
Decreases, increases or sets the price to a fixed one not depending on quantity

✔ Bulk Pricing
Decreases the price with quantity – all units get highest “unlocked” discount

✔ Tiered Pricing
Decreases the price with quantity – subsequent units get increasing discount

✔ Groups of Products
Applies a discount when product(s) are purchased in specified quantities

✔ Buy X Get Y
Applies a discount to Y quantity when X quantity is purchased at a full price

✔ Exclude Matched Items
Excludes matching products from any other pricing rules

WooCommerce Cart Discounts

Cart Discounts work just like regular WooCommerce coupons except that there are no coupons to be applied. This ensures that eligible customers see their savings instantly without the need to take any action which can positively affect your conversion rates.

Configure cart discounts based on the cart subtotal, cart items, customer details, shipping address, past purchases and other conditions – in ways not imaginable when using regular coupons.

WooCommerce Checkout Fees

Checkout Fees provide a way to charge a customer extra based on the details of their order. Use it to cover costs that your business may incur while processing specific orders, e.g. charge for international order processing or perishable product handling.

This feature completes the package – instead of using multiple tools to cater for a variety of tasks, you can now use an all-in-one extension for anything that has to do with how much your customers pay.

Extensive Conditional Logic

Target Products
› Product
› Product variation
› Product category
› Product attributes
› Product tags
› Product meta field


Cart Properties
› Cart subtotal
› Cart total weight
› Coupons applied
› Cart item count
› Sum of item quantities


› Products in cart
› Product variations in cart
› Product categories in cart
› Product attributes in cart
› Product tags in cart

Customer Properties
› Is logged in
› Customer role
› Customer capability
› Specific customer
› Customer meta field


Customer Value
› Amount spent
› Order count
› Last order amount
› Last order date


Purchase History
› Products purchased
› Product variations purchased
› Product categories purchased
› Product attributes purchased
› Product tags purchased

Shipping Address
› Shipping country
› Shipping state
› Shipping postcode
› Shipping zone


Date & Time
› Date
› Time
› Days of week

     The best part?
You can combine them
in any way you like!


So how do you set a discount valid through this year for all albums except Album #1 and Album #4 and make it available to non-wholesale customers who have purchased at least one single in the past 3 months? Here’s how…

WooCommerce Conditional Discounts

Virtually Unlimited Scenarios

We know your head is probably spinning with perfect ideas, but here’s a few examples of what this plugin can do for you just in case you need a hint:

  • Buy at least 10 units get 5% discount
  • Any 3 t-shirts for $9.99 except t-shirts with custom artwork
  • Buy between 2 and 5 units get 10% discount, buy at least 6 get 20% discount
  • With each desktop computer get wireless keyboard with 50% discount
  • 5% lifetime discount after your 10th order, 10% after 50th
  • Extra handling fee of $15 if heavy items are in cart
  • Spend at least $1000 get 15% discount on your order
  • Stay free for 1 night when booking a hotel for 7 nights
  • SPA treatments 20% off when staying 3 nights or more
  • 10% discount for the first order only if other promotions do not apply
  • iPhone case with each iPhone purchased
  • Get $5 cart discount if you purchase anything from category Clothing
  • Everything for $9 until midnight but only if you purchase at least 3 items
  • Each fifth accessory is 30% off
  • This month all music albums 10% off, singles 25% off
  • Processing fee of $10 for international orders
  • 15% discount for repeat orders
  • Users with role Shop manager get 100% discount for testing purposes
  • 5% discount if no other discount is applied
  • Automated rewards program with tiered discounts for loyal customers
  • VIP club members get 25% cart discount on all items
  • Give 10% discount on laptops but only if customer is not VIP club member
  • And almost any other pricing, discount or fee scenario that you can imagine!
Unreal custom options, dev has really thought of everything! – holly114
I like how I am able to exclude certain role based customers. Ex: Wholesalers should not get an additional 10% discount when they are already getting a 50% discount. Thank you! – cctaber
This plugin is awesome! It adds a huge amount of flexibility to pricing and does so in an incredibly logical fashion. I can’t stress how easy it is to create pricing rules. I’m looking forward to future updates and was impressed by the quick support that was provided when I had a question. If you run Woo buy this plugin! – mattcrane

See This Amazing Plugin In Action Free Of Charge! Launch Demo Site

Frequently Asked Questions

Does this extension support product variations?
Yes, you can either select parent product to apply one discount for all variations or pick individual variations to set different discounts or include/exclude specific variations from a more general rule. You can also select products to discount by their attributes, tags or even custom field values.

Can I set different discounts for different categories at the same time?
Yes, you can create multiple product pricing rules and configure different discounts for different categories. In addition, you can pick individual products that you may wish to exclude from the category rule.

Can I offer discounts to subscribers/members of my site only?
Yes, you can use this extension to run promotions dedicated to subscribers or members of your site. The only requirement for your subscription/membership system is to use custom role, capability or user meta entry to tell members from non-members. For example, if you have a membership extension which changes user role to “member” when someone purchases a membership, you can use a role condition with value “member” to make sure that only members are eligible.

How will my customers know about the sale, special offer etc?
When developing this extension, our initial focus was on actually making all the different pricing adjustments, discounts and fees work. You can make almost any pricing strategy work but usually your customers are going to see their savings after adding some product to cart or going through the checkout. After getting the actual logic work well, we shifted our attention to the tools that help your customers learn about your deals and sales – you can opt to display a quantity pricing table for bulk and tiered pricing rules or make product prices throughout the shop reflect simple pricing rules. More promotional tools are planned for future releases.

Does it support … scenario?
9 out of 10 times (maybe even 99 out of 100) when we get this question the answer is yes. This has to do with how this extension is organized – it is not limited to a few settings that do very specific things, instead it offers multiple pricing/discount/fee methods with dozens of conditions and useful settings which can all be mixed and combined to come up with virtually any product pricing rule, cart discount or checkout fee. If you want to be sure that your desired scenario is supported, simply check out examples on this page, search the comments section, our knowledge base or just ask us. But have no doubt that such simple pricing rules as “buy 2 get 1 half price”, “buy 10+ with 15% discount” or “3 for $9.99” are supported.

Is it compatible with … extension?
More often than not this extension is compatible with other WooCommerce extensions as it uses standard price hooks to change prices and standard methods to add discounts/fees. There may be some edge cases where compatibility is not achieved out of the box – in these cases we either come up with a solution within a reasonable time frame or provide clients with a full refund.

Does it support WPML?
WPML compatibility is still on our to-do list as of now.

Does it support multiple currencies?
It depends on your specific needs. This extension is fully compatible with a few popular currency switcher plugins and will work fine out of the box. On the other hand, you won’t be able to set specific discounts for different currencies – you can only set them in base currency and get it converted automatically.

I installed this extension but run into a problem – what shall I do?
Head straight to our support site! We have some self-help content that you can consult and will respond to your inquiry within 24 hours (business days only) if you opt to send us one. Although this extension was developed to the highest standards and is constantly tested by thousands of users, there may be some edge cases, unique requirements or exotic server setups that have not surfaced to this date – we always keep an eye for them and value any feedback from our clients.

Still Have Questions? You can always count on our personal, in-depth support. Get Answers

This plugin is super easy to use, works like it’s advertised, the purchase price is fantastic and the support I’ve received from the developer is second to none. I can’t recommend this plugin enough. – Ndev777
RightPress offers not only a great product, but some of the best customer support on CodeCanyon. Keep up the great work! – AntonNovikov
This is a fantastic and flexible plugin I’ve recommended for several clients. The customer service is high quality and fast to boot – highly recommend, thanks guys! – dnfs2000

Bring Your Shop To Life. Catch your customers' attention and sell more. Buy Now


Version 2.2.5, 15 February 2018
* Fix - Cart Discount issue related to outdated virtual coupon default values
* Fix - Unable to determine time zone from time offset on some servers
* Tweak - Other minor bug fixes and improvements

Version 2.2.4, 14 December 2017
* Fix - Fatal syntax error on specific PHP versions
* Fix - Warning "Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable" 
* Fix - Product sale price display issue under specific circumstances
* Fix - Subtotal in mini-cart is not recalculated in recent WooCommerce versions
* Fix - Incorrect bigger/smaller discount/fee selection under specific circumstances
* Tweak - Percentage discounts are now applied as virtual percentage coupons
* Tweak - Cart discounts will now apply sequentially if set so in WooCommerce settings

Version 2.2.3, 20 November 2017
* Fix - Wrong cart item price displayed when some units are based on regular price
* Fix - WC customer/product properties set as meta conditions result in error
* Fix - Volume pricing table not displayed in product quick view
* Fix - Undefined index QUERY_STRING on some servers
* Fix - Currency switcher compatibility issues
* Fix - Compatibility issues with WooCommerce versions < 3.0
* Fix - Public description tooltips not visible on some themes (z-index issue)
* Fix - Custom taxonomy condition displays warning when get_the_terms returns false
* Fix - Quotes in condition item names not handled properly
* Tweak - Other minor bug fixes and improvements

Version 2.2.2, 12 October 2017
* Fix - Wrong subtotal displayed in mini-cart
* Fix - Pricing table should not be displayed on load when targeting specific variations
* Tweak - Added "All quantities added up" option to "Quantities Based On" for group rules
* Tweak - Other minor bug fixes and improvements
* Dev - Changes to HTML layout and CSS classes in "Your Price" functionality
* Dev - Removed filter rightpress_live_product_price_update_html
* Dev - Added filter rightpress_live_product_price_update_price_html
* Dev - Added filter rightpress_live_product_price_update_label_html

Version 2.2.1, 2 October 2017
* Fix - Non-product condition issues with group pricing rules
* Fix - Product attribute condition issue with "any" variation attribute
* Fix - Tax display issues related to "Your Price" functionality
* Fix - Tax display issues when cart item price composition is displayed
* Fix - Auto add to cart does not take actual purchase/receive quantities from settings
* Fix - Group pricing problems when multiple parent/child categories are used
* Fix - Double discount in quantity pricing table under some conditions
* Fix - Warning "Invalid argument supplied for foreach" 
* Tweak - Other minor bug fixes and improvements

Version 2.2, 27 September 2017
* Feature - Price breakdown is displayed in cart instead of average price
* Feature - Public rule descriptions to provide more information to customers
* Feature - Promotion tool "Your Price" - displays discounted price on product page
* Feature - Promotion tool "Total Saved" - displays total amount saved by customer
* Feature - Promotion tool "Customer Notifications" - lets customers know about discounts
* Feature - Promotion tool "Countdown Timer" - displays timer for time limited rules
* Feature - Option to limit max discount per product, max cart discount and max checkout fee
* Feature - Free product in "Buy X Get Y" rules can now be added to cart automatically
* Feature - New product condition: Product price
* Feature - New product condition: Product is on sale
* Feature - New condition: Shipping method
* Feature - New condition: Any pricing rule applied
* Feature - New set of conditions: Quantity of specific product purchased in the past
* Feature - New set of conditions: Value of specific product purchased in the past
* Feature - Support for custom taxonomy conditions (e.g. brands)
* Feature - "Buy x get x" rule separated from "Buy x get y" for more clarity
* Feature - Option to include all rule types when changing prices throughout the shop
* Feature - Option to define whether amounts in conditions include tax
* Feature - Option to suppress regular coupons if at least one cart discount is applicable
* Feature - Settings import and export functionality
* Fix - Problems with currency switcher extensions
* Fix - Coupon condition lag for pricing rules with Flatsome
* Fix - "Group of products" does not honour "Quantities based on" setting
* Fix - Compatibility issues with WooCommerce Product Bundles
* Fix - Added jquery dependency for checkout.js
* Tweak - Basic rule details are now displayed in rule header
* Tweak - Pricing table: clicking on quantity updates quantity input
* Tweak - Pricing table: clicking on variation name selects appropriate variation
* Tweak - Pricing table: clicking on price selects variation and updates quantity input
* Tweak - Pricing table now considers volume rules with cart conditions
* Tweak - More cart related conditions made available under product pricing
* Tweak - Display price caching improvements
* Tweak - Catalog display prices now includes rules with cart discounts by default
* Tweak - Changed the appearance of condition type selector for use of use
* Tweak - Changed lowest supported WooCommerce version to 2.4
* Tweak - Improved compatibility with WooCommerce 3.2
* Tweak - Other minor bug fixes and improvements
* Dev - Added filter rp_wcdpd_all_capabilities
* Dev - Added filter rp_wcdpd_current_user_capabilities
* Dev - Added filter rightpress_live_product_price_update_html
* Dev - Added action rp_wcdpd_product_pricing_rule_applied_to_cart
* Dev - Added action rp_wcdpd_cart_discounts_rule_applied_to_cart
* Dev - Added action rp_wcdpd_checkout_fees_rule_applied_to_cart
* Dev - Added function rp_wcdpd_display_countdown_timer($product_id)
* Dev - Added function rp_wcdpd_display_volume_pricing_table($product_id)
* Dev - Table templates moved to extensions/promotion-volume-pricing-table/templates

Version 2.1.1, 24 August 2017
* Fix - Fatal error on coupons page when coupons condition is used
* Fix - Cart subtotal condition does not work properly after 2.1 release
* Fix - Product stock condition does not check variation stock setting
* Fix - Numeric comparison in conditions susceptible to float precision problems

Version 2.1, 8 August 2017
* Feature - Options to set per-item cart discounts and checkout fees
* Feature - Product conditions are now available for cart discounts and checkout fees
* Feature - Option to have a desired subtotal when adjusted price is irrational
* Feature - Option to hide regular price when discounting products
* Feature - Option to display a single pricing table for all variations
* Feature - Option to disable a rule without setting a condition
* Feature - New pricing method for tiered discounts: Fixed price per range
* Feature - New condition: Payment method
* Feature - New condition: Date/time
* Feature - New condition: Average order amount
* Feature - New condition: Customer product review count
* Feature - New condition: Product stock quantity
* Feature - New set of conditions: Cart item quantities
* Feature - New set of conditions: Cart item subtotals
* Fix - Percentage cart discount takes wrong subtotal
* Fix - Pricing table displayed when product price is empty (product not purchasable)
* Fix - Pricing table does not honor "Use regular price" setting
* Fix - Pricing table is not displayed on page load when default variation is set
* Fix - Problems when products/categories/etc that appear in conditions are deleted
* Fix - Product pricing regular price tax lag when changing address in cart
* Fix - "Use regular price" setting affects item at full price
* Fix - Incorrect prices when RealMag777 currency switcher extension is enabled
* Fix - Flatsome quickview displays tables for all variations
* Fix - No striked-through regular price when WooCommerce Multilingual plugin is active
* Fix - Shipping condition lag in cart
* Tweak - Improved user interface for "Buy x get y" type of rules
* Tweak - Separated product conditions from other conditions for better usability
* Tweak - Improved  price calculation algorithm when multiple rules are applicable
* Tweak - Improved user interface performance to load quicker with large set of rules
* Tweak - Correct cart discount titles are now displayed in admin order view
* Tweak - Cart discount link in admin order view now leads to correct settings page
* Tweak - Do not add cart discount or checkout fee if amount is zero
* Tweak - Other minor bug fixes and improvements
* Dev - Removed filter rp_wcdpd_product_pricing_adjusted_amount
* Dev - Removed filter rp_wcdpd_datepicker_config
* Dev - Added filter rp_wcdpd_product_pricing_adjusted_unit_price
* Dev - Added filter rp_wcdpd_product_pricing_adjusted_price
* Dev - Added filter rp_wcdpd_datetimepicker_date_config
* Dev - Added filter rp_wcdpd_datetimepicker_time_config
* Dev - Added filter rp_wcdpd_datetimepicker_datetime_config

Version 2.0, 30 May 2017
* Feature - Plugin core rewritten to make it more flexible and maintainable
* Feature - User interface redesigned to make it cleaner and easier to use
* Feature - Checkout fees to allow charging user extra during checkout
* Feature - New pricing methods: simple, tiered pricing, group of products
* Feature - New conditional logic system offers 37 powerful conditions
* Feature - Prices throughout the shop can now be changed based on simple pricing rules
* Feature - Simple pricing rules now support positive pricing adjustments (fees)
* Feature - Option to duplicate rules
* Fix - Quantity pricing table tax issues
* Fix - Quantity pricing table displayed only once in product list view
* Fix - Users with role "shop_manager" can't save plugin settings
* Tweak - Option to exclude products that are set on sale in product settings
* Tweak - Option to use regular price for pricing adjustments instead of final price
* Tweak - Option to hide implicit quantity ranges in quantity pricing table
* Tweak - Option to show cart discounts and checkout fees individually or combined
* Tweak - Several currency changing extensions are now supported
* Tweak - Customer value conditions now checks for orders by billing email too
* Tweak - Removed support for "Products to adjust" for quantity discounts
* Tweak - Other minor bug fixes and improvements
* Dev - System to add custom conditions, pricing methods etc programmatically
* Dev - New filters for flexible control of pricing adjustments, discounts and fees

Version 1.1.2, 10 April 2017
[*] Fixed conditions not working properly for variable products since 1.1.1

Version 1.1.1, 5 April 2017
[*] Improved compatibility with WooCommerce 3.0

Version 1.1, 11 April 2016
[+] Added support for automatic updates
[*] Fixed admin ui styling issue
[*] Improved compatibility with Wordpress 4.5

Version 1.0.18, 8 April 2015
[*] Fixed cart discount not being displayed on product quantity change
[*] Fixed "coupon invalid" warning when the last item is removed from cart
[-] Removed option to apply discount after tax (not available since WooCommerce 2.3)

Version 1.0.17, 9 March 2015
[*] Fixed cart discount not being displayed on the first cart load

Version 1.0.16, 25 February 2015
[*] Fixed a bug that displayed a price striked through when no discount was applied

Version 1.0.15, 19 February 2015
[*] Quick fix related to compatibility issues with WooCommerce 2.3

Version 1.0.14, 4 February 2015
[*] Fixed a bug related to subtotal in widget mini cart
[*] Improved compatibility with WooCommerce 2.0 (function remove_coupon())

Version 1.0.13, 30 October 2014
[*] Fixed a bug related to pricing table display conditions check

Version 1.0.12, 24 October 2014
[*] Pricing table now displays trailing zeros by default
[*] Fixed a bug related to maximum_amount property of WooCommerce coupon
[*] Fixed array to string conversion notice
[*] Fixed subtotal and total display in mini cart

Version 1.0.11, 24 September 2014
[-] Removed hardcoded rounding to two decimals in favor of WooCommerce setting
[*] Change language file template name from default.pot to rp_wcdpd.pot
[*] "Products in list" will now include products with various statuses

Version 1.0.10, 10 September 2014
[*] Allowing other plugins to extend list of capabilities to use in conditions
[*] Fixed notice "Undefined index: display_offers" 

Version 1.0.9, 9 September 2014
[*] Improved compatibility with PHP 5.2 (PHP_ROUND_HALF_DOWN issue)
[*] Changed $discounts_applied property from private to public

Version 1.0.8, 20 August 2014
[*] Allowing discounts to be applied by manually calling apply_discounts()
[*] Fixed cart discount coupon error when WooCommerce coupons are disabled
[*] Fixed a few Strict Standards warnings

Version 1.0.7, 13 August 2014
[*] Suppressing the Coupon Is Not Valid error on cart quantity changes
[*] Other minor bug fixes

Version 1.0.6, 6 August 2014
[*] Fixed discount rounding issues

Version 1.0.5, 14 July 2014
[*] Fixed infinite loop issue when 'ghost' categories are present
[*] Fixed variable product price adjustment bug

Version 1.0.4, 26 June 2014
[*] Rule selection for pricing table improvements
[*] Fixed a bug that prevented pricing table from being displayed on last variation

Version 1.0.3, 16 April 2014
[*] Improved plugin performance

Version 1.0.2, 27 March 2014
[+] Added user capabilities to conditions list (support for Groups plugin)
[*] Pricing table will be displayed instantly, if all variations have the same price
[*] Fixed pricing table display when using ranges of one unit
[*] Improved algorithms related to quantity calculation

Version 1.0.1, 12 March 2014
[*] Several minor bug fixes

Version 1.0, 10 March 2014
[+] Initial release
