Modal Survey - WordPress Poll, Survey & Quiz Plugin - Wordpress Plugin
Get premium FORMS Wordpress Plugin : Modal Survey – WordPress Poll, Survey & Quiz Plugin
Modal Survey WordPress Plugin provides the opportunity to hear your visitors voice through an attention grabber poll. Unlimited surveys, questions and answers helps to get any informations, then display it by a stunning progress bar, beauty pie chart or a simple text format. Free WordPress Plugins from CodeCanyon
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Why Modal Survey - WordPress Poll, Survey & Quiz Plugin?
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Modal Survey WordPress Plugin provides the opportunity to hear your visitors voice through an attention grabber poll. Unlimited surveys, questions and answers helps to get any information, then display it by a stunning progress bar, beauty pie chart or a simple text format.
Features contains the option to embed the poll to your content or display it as a modal style, like a popup. Success of a website highly depends on the visitors, therefore customer satisfaction is the key to improve the content.
Modal Survey gives you the power to create any Customer Satisfaction or Customer Feedback Survey on your pages easily with the Visual Poll Builder.
Trivia Quiz
Trivia Quiz one of the most popular quiz style nowadays on the social networks. The idea behind this polls to get lot of traffic, especially from Facebook. The plugin offer a share button to post the individual quiz results with specific image based on the answers to Facebook. With this BuzzFeed kind of quiz, that using personal content, the traffic of your website can increased quickly without spending lot of money for advertising.
Product Recommendation
Increasing the sales with Product Recommendation Polls is so easy. The plugin support conditional statements, that allows you to display a specific message or redirect the browser to any page based on the answer scores.
Personality Tests
Supports Business Evaluation Tests or even Personality Tests with categories, that can be displayed on different chart types. Both of the answers and questions can be organized to categories, then the chart will display the results based on the category scores.
Quiz with Timer
Entertain your visitors with a quiz could be also a great option to create pages, that more likely will be shared on the social networks, including Facebook or Google Plus. The timer can be set as overall or a question timer to make the quiz more exciting.
Unlimited Styles
The plugin customization features allows to create unlimited poll styles with many of settings and options. Width and position can be specified simply and colors as well. This type of the questionnaire you can see below, using the 40% of the full width, but you can set any sizes and positions around the screen, even it would be the top, middle or the bottom of the page. Visual Builder helps you on admin to design a well-looking poll and attract your customers to vote instantly with your modern, AJAX-based survey.
The admin panel grants you a professional interface to design your questionnaire, including RGB Color Picker to set the font and background colors, DateTimePicker for scheduling the quiz, sliders to set the correct values, like border-radius, padding and you will find much more useful, user-friendly tools on the survey admin panel.
Visual Builder to Design your Own Surveys
There are tons of customization options in the Visual Builder Modal Survey Plugin, including Live Preview, start and expiry time, font family (650+ Google Font Styles), font sizes, padding, border parameters, background-, font- and border colors and much more… All of them designed to helps you to build amazing questionnaire through a user-friendly, professional interface. Full variety of jQuery Easing Effects and the speed option ensures smooth animations, including incoming and the outgoing behavior of the questionnaire.
In addition, several special features extend the usability for custom purposes. Combine Lock Screen with Closeable setting to force the users to fill out the poll or simply use the first option only to highlight your questionnaire for the visitors. Also grants you the ability to pop in the survey, when the visitor almost reached the bottom of the page with the mouse scroll. This special event gives you a smart control how the users meet with your questions.
Add your own, custom message even with link at the of the questionnaire. The plugin allows you to offer a downloadable content in return for the information you ask in the quiz.
Full Width or Custom Size in Popup or Embed Style
Use it as a full width or a custom sized poll with popup or embed style. Offers extremely flexible customization, that provides really unique display.
The questionnaire can fit to the entire page width or can be set to a boxed, smaller size. This full width type of the poll is a solid manner to get the attention of the visitors and it works effectively.
Many More Flexible Options
The plugin provides much more features that helps you to save your time and reach your aims. The polls can be appear for the users at once, it is possible to set to display once for users who already filled out or simply can appear in every cases. Activate the poll with different user interactions, like click on a link, scroll to the bottom of the page or even scroll to a specified part of the page. Each questionnaire can be closed or you can force the users to fill out in return for the content behind the poll. This WordPress Online Poll Plugin can be really helpful to get feedback about your posts including even a simple customer satisfaction questionnaire at the end of the posts.
Use it as a Rating System
With the Rating System feature, it is possible to display stars instead of text answers without any limitation regarding to the number of scores. It means you can create 5 stars, 10 stars or even 12 stars to get feedback as a score.
Create Quiz with Images and Progress Bar
It provides an option to display progress bar for any type of the surveys, including quiz or a simple survey. Also brings you the opportunity to insert images to the questions and the answers.
Personality Test with Individual Chart
Easy to add individual chart based on the user’s score, rating or correct answers at the end of the quiz. It provides attractive and useful visual display about the given answers.
Customer Satisfaction Survey with Aggregated Chart
The plugin able to visualize all questions on the same graph to display aggregated results. It should be perfect to check the effectiveness of a Support Team or any other Company activities.
Participants Details
Optionally, the plugin can save the votes and you can view the detailed stats on your admin panel.
Various charts help you to get the appropriate display to make the best analysis about the participants.
Simple Configuration
Setting up a Quiz is quite easy, you have to specify the corrects answer(s) and/or the answer score, therefore the Quiz can be controlled by the given correct answers or the final score.
Embed Mode
The plugin allows you to simply include the questionnaire to the content anywhere on any page, post or text widget. The poll will appears with a smooth animation when the visitor scroll down to that place where you included the questionnaire. If you looking for a Customer Satisfaction Plugin, it is a great choice to use it at the bottom of each posts. Needless to say, it is also possible to set it immediately visible without any animation or make it visible when the visitor reach a specified part of the content.
Embed poll mode provides the same features regarding to the customization like any other type of the questionnaires. If you use it as a Customer Satisfaction Survey, all results will be available on your admin panel to analyze or even export to PDF, XML, CSV, XLS and JSON.
The quiz with embed style visible for the users who didn’t fill out the poll previously, therefore it won’t be displayed to the content when it’s not necessary. Getting feedback about your pages is a must to make a well-built WordPress website. Embed Questionnaire can be implemented to the default WordPress text widget as well.
Classic List Style
The Quiz using table style for displaying the answers, but you can set classic list layout with a single click. In this mode, the answers will be displayed below each other.
Open Text Answers with AutoComplete
Easy to add open text answer to each questions to get customized answer with your questionnaire. The autocomplete feature helps for the users to select options from the previous visitor’s answers. It is also possible to disable the autocomplete function, therefore the text answer field can be use for getting email addresses or any non-public input.
Custom Redirection
In some cases, you would like to redirect the user after completed the questionnaire. This optional feature has been included directly into the quiz settings, you have to specify the redirection URL only and the plugin do the rest.
Additional Conditions Based on the Final Score or Correct Answers
Creating conditions based on the result of the questionnaire / quiz will ensure you an excellent option to redirect the user to a specific page or display a message for the user. It can be extremely useful for creating a Product Survey, Promotional Quiz or even a Horoscope.
Display the Results
Votes can be displayed in various formats, one of the most effective is the progress bar style. It is also possible to include the results via text format, then you can compose your article with dynamic variables. Simply display the full quiz results or filter it to any question or answer to get the information that you exactly want.
Using Charts
Modal Survey offers a total of 6 different chart types, exluding the further styles to show the questionnaire results, like Progress Bar, Line Bar the Text Format. With the most popular Pie Chart, you can demonstrate any questionnaire vote information as you need. The plugin also able to show the results for the active poll and it is refreshed immediately as the visitors answered the questions.
If you need a special type of chart, feel free to select form a Doughnut Chart, Bar Chart, Radar Chart, Line Chart or Polar Chart. These are responsible to visualize any poll details in a nice, modern way.
Pie Chart
Line Bar
Doughnut Chart
Bar Chart
Radar Chart
Line Chart
Polar Chart
All charts are interactive, display the exact values with a mouse hover event. However, you have the option to hide these values using the progress bar or the line bar, including the percentages only.
Shortcode Manager
With Modal Survey Plugin, it is really easy to manage WordPress shortcodes. Contains a built-in Shortcode Manager to helps you to include the poll’s shortcodes quickly with only few clicks. Just select what you would like to display (the questionnaire itself or the results) then you will see a dialog to customize the entire shortcode. Documentation contains all of the available parameters for the shortcodes, therefore advanced users can simply use the WordPress WYSIWYG Editor.
The shortcode options can be easily select by the following popup window, therefore you don’t need to write any line of code.
Export the Survey to Various Formats
Export the whole poll with the results to CSV, JSON, PDF, XML, XLS.
Check out the export files generated previously for demonstrating purpose:
- Modal Survey – Questionnaire PDF Export Example
- Modal Survey – Questionnaire JSON Export Example
- Modal Survey – Questionnaire CSV Export Example
- Modal Survey – Questionnaire XML Export Example
- Modal Survey – Questionnaire XLS Export Example
The PDF Export can include the chart for each question to your PDF document and you have the option to export your PDF without the charts. Each export has a separeted template file, therefore with some knowledge of CSS it is simple to customize. To make the customization more easy, the PDF header text available for edit in the general settings of the plugin.
Control the Next Question
One of the most useful plugin feature, simply control the next question for the users depends on their answers. Just specify the next question’s number with brackets in the answer (eg.: [3]) and the questionnaire will automatically jump to the specified question.
As a result of this conditional behavior you will get detailed information in the questionnaire, even you can filter the quiz by specific conditions. If you want to create the poll for females only, the first question would be the gender and you can send all users with ‘male’ answers to the end of the questionnaire.
Multiple Possible and Required Answers
Modal Survey offers the option to specify the number of selectable answers by the users and it is also possible to set the required minimum number of answers for each questions.
These numbers can be specified for each questions in the poll, thus the overall questionnaire can be highly flexible. Works like a checkbox and radio button, the difference only it is displayed with a more professional, unique way with underlined answers.
Subscribe the Participants to your Email Campaigns
Modal Survey supports many Newsletter providers, like Active Campaign, Benchmark, Campaign Monitor, Campayn, Constant Contact, Freshmail, GetResponse, MadMimi, MailChimp, MailPoet, MyMail, SimplyCase, YMLP.
Just simply turn on the Participants Form and it will be automatically embedded at the end of the survey, then the plugin will pass the user’s name and email to your chosen newsletter campaigns.
Survey List with Filter and Sort
Find all questionnaire, that has been previously saved in a well-organized table with AJAX powered search, pagination and sort option.
Each row give you detailed informations, including the creator username, create time, last update and total votes. Furthermore, this list grants prompt actions to duplicate, edit, delete or reset the specified questionnaire.
Prevent Duplication
Important to note, nobody want a WordPress Poll Plugin that won’t gives realistic statistics. Avoid and minimize duplication with keeping the questionnaire simple as possible is the main goals of this WordPress Plugin. General settings provides the possibility to display each poll for once to the same user regardless the visitor gave answers or not.
Another option to display once for users who already filled out. Modal Survey WordPress Plugin doesn’t require registration to get as much votes as possible, it is using cookies to prevents duplication.
Backup – Import Survey
Creating backup or copy your questionnaire to your other website has never been easier. The plugin ensures the option to export you poll in JSON format and simply allows to import back the JSON file that has been exported before through the WordPress Plugin admin area.
The votes are imported and it can be reset by a simple click, however in some cases you might need to keep the questionnaire votes during the import.
Simple Update Process
Releasing constant updates regarding to the needs periodically. To keep the updating process easy, just download the new version and upload in the Modal Survey Update Page through the WordPress admin and it is do the rest. Also offers the choice to terminate to update after you read the new version changes and decided to keep the old version.
After uploaded the new version, the changelog will be displayed to show the changes. In this stage, you can continue or cancel the updating process.
Some Feedbacks
Key Features
- Visual Builder on WordPress Administration with Live Preview of the Questionnaire
- Mobile-friendly & Responsive WordPress Plugin
- Parallax effect on the Polls during Page Scroll
- Set Start and Expiry Times for each Questionnaire
- Choose from Different Styles (Modal / Popup, Embed to your WordPress Page or Post, Open with Click on a Link)
- Provides Gradient RGB Color Picker on the WordPress Plugin admin
- Ability to Offer Link / Downloadable Content at the End of the Poll (Force Users to Fill Out to Get the Link)
- Unlimited Questions and Answers, Reset Counters with One-Click
- Lock the Screen with the Questionnaire
- Social Sharing with Various Styles and Modes
- Request participants name and email at the end of the survey
- Interactive Tutorial
- Compare Individual Votes with Global Votes
- Detailed Participants Stats with Charts
- Support Active Campaign, Benchmark, Campaign Monitor, Campayn, Constant Contact, Freshmail, GetResponse, MadMimi, MailChimp, MailPoet, MyMail, SimplyCase, YMLP
- Modal Survey offers Different Positions (Top, Middle, Bottom, Align to Right or Left)
- Specify Custom Message at the End of the Questionnaire
- Custom animations with Full Range of jQuery Easing Effects
- Fully Localizable Plugin, Define All Messages, Texts on the WordPress Admin
- Automatically Display the Same Poll for Once per User
- Animated Charts, Graphs, Bars and Dynamic Text for the Questionnaire Results
- Tons of Available Plugin Shortcodes to Display the Questionnaire Result (Progress Bar Style, Plain Text Style, etc.)
- Ability to Set the Poll Globally on the Entire Website or Include it to the Specified Page
- Set to each Questionnaire Closeable by the Users or Force to Fill Out
- Display the Polls only when the Users Scroll Down at the Bottom of the Page
- Detailed Documentation
- Export the Questionnaire to PDF, CSV, XML, XLS and JSON
- Unique Charts with Hover: Pie Chart, Doughnut Chart, Bar Chart, Radar Chart, Line Chart, Polar Chart
- Import Quiz from JSON (previously exported by Modal Survey – Restore Backup)
- Multiple Poll Answers – Set Minimum and Required Number of Answers
- Quick Plugin Update Process by Manual ZIP Updater through WordPress
- Use it as a Customer Satisfaction Survey
- Shortcode Manager to Include Shortcodes through WordPress WYSIWYG Editor
- Clean, User-Friendly WordPress Admin Interface
- Duplicate Poll
- Conditional Option to Control the Next Questions depending on the Answers
- Ajax-Based Quiz List with Filter, Sort, Pagination and Detailed Informations on the WordPress Admin
- Custom PDF Export Header without Editing the Export Template File
- Detailed Documentation
Awards and Press Releases
- 7 Best WordPress Survey Plugins 2017
- 18 Best Interactive Plugins For WordPress
- 20+ Best WordPress Survey Plugins
- How To Create Surveys On Your WordPress Website Using Plugins
- 10 Best Free & Premium WordPress Survey Plugins
- 8 Fantastic WordPress Survey Plugins
- Cinco plugins WordPress para crear encuestas online y mejorar nuestro feedback
- 15+ Best WordPress Poll Plugins for Adding Polls and Survey
If you have any question or feedback, please feel free to email me via my user page contact form. You can also check the Support Forum, the issue maybe has been solved before. The plugin’s FAQ also contains some useful informations.
How to get Updates?
After you purchased the plugin, go to the Downloads and set the checkbox to on. You can also rate the plugin there.
Check out the changelog here.
ThemeForest Theme Developers
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Purchase one extended license for each theme you want to sell on any Envato Marketplaces. Drop me a line via my profile page mail sender and I will add your theme link to this page.
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Refund Policy
Full refund can be given, if the plugin doesn’t work on your website as it described, the issue caused by the product and can’t be fixed in 48 hours. In most cases, if the plugin doesn’t work on your website, that caused by any of the following reasons:
- outdated WordPress Theme, that has an error in the background
- outdated other plugin(s), that has an error in the background
- other plugin or theme, that includes invalid jQuery version instead of using the WordPress built-in jQuery
- hosting limitations or configuration issues
- incorrect plugin configuration
Before you send a refund request, please make sure you already contacted with the support here and provided your website’s URL. If the plugin doesn’t work as it described and the problem is with the plugin, that can’t be fixed in 48 hours, then you can get a full refund.
If you refusing the free support and the issue can’t be investigated, then you can’t get a refund.
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