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[Free DL] Ultimate Media Background for WordPress - CodeCanyon Plugin

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Ultimate Media Background for WordPress - Wordpress Plugin


Get premium MEDIA Wordpress Plugin : Ultimate Media Background for WordPress

Display full screen video, image, and/or color backgrounds. You can use videos from YouTube, Vimeo, Wistia, Dailymotion, or HTML5 Videos. Free WordPress Plugins from CodeCanyon

Plugin Compatibility

High Resolution: Yes, Compatible Browsers: IE10, IE11, Firefox, Safari, Opera, Chrome, Edge, Compatible With: BuddyPress 2.5.x, WooCommerce 2.6.x, WooCommerce 2.5, WooCommerce 2.4.x, WooCommerce 2.3.x, bbPress 2.5.x, Easy Digital Downloads 2.5.x, Easy Digi

Why Ultimate Media Background for WordPress?

- The Plugin for Wordpresswas purchased 120 times.
- The users have left 17 rating with final rating 4.76
The plugin was added 2015-06-08 and updates 2018-01-05
The Free Media Plugin price = 22.00 $

Free Media Wordpress Plugin
audio, background, color background, coming soon, dailymotion, fullscreen, image background, maintenance mode, responsive, slideshow, video, vimeo, wistia, woocommerce, youtube

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Available for jQuery

Display full screen media backgrounds

Display full screen videos, audio, images, and color backgrounds. UMBG makes it easy. You can use videos from YouTube, Vimeo, Wistia, Dailymotion, or HTML5 Videos.

See how it works on the demo site.

Simple to Use

Unlike other plugins that make you go all over your WordPress website to find where you want to insert your shortcode, with UMBG you simply select where you want it to display right from it’s own page.

Admin pages are styled to match the rest of WordPress administration pages so everything matches with what you are familiar with.

If you need to uninstall the plugin, it does not leave any files on your server or any data in your database. It will completely remove everything associated with it and will not leave any “junk” cluttering your site, specially your database. Uploaded media files (images/videos) are the only files that UMBG will not remove.

Full of Options

All of the necessary settings to display full screen backgrounds to your needs:

  • Append To
  • Media Type
  • Media ID or File Location
  • Poster
  • Media URL Link
  • Overlay – 43 styles included
  • Quality – HD or SD
  • Auto Playback
  • Start At
  • End At
  • Delay
  • Loop
  • Audio – select to start playback with it muted
  • Controls – change it’s visibility, colors & placement
  • Page-Up-Down (PUD)
  • Fade-In-Out (FIO)
  • Enlarge Media – hide unwanted objects
  • Aspect Ratio
  • Image Display Duration
  • Image Transition Duration
  • Image Effect
  • Image Effect Easing
  • Disable on mobile devices
  • And a lot more!

Page-Up-Down (PUD) allows the page to be scroll up and down to display a full view of the video or image background. Fully adjustable for all your needs.

Fade-In-Out (FIO) FIO lets you set an opacity (transparency) effect for a better view of the media background.

Maintenance Mode

Enable UMBG’s maintenance mode to use all your amazing backgrounds on a maintenance page. Easy to use and enable.

HTML5 Audio Now Supported

Now you can also play HTML5 audio backgrounds. Supports media types of MP3, MP4, M4A, WEBM, OGG, WAV, and AAC.

WooCommerce Support

UMBG supports WooCommerce single product pages and its categories, as well as, single product shortcodes.

Now supports WooCommerce product tags.

Shortcodes supported: [product] and [product_page]

Custom Post Types Support

Supports adding media backgrounds to your custom post types including its categories, terms, and taxonomies.

Playback Shortcode Buttons

Built-in to the WP Editor, you can use shortcode buttons to control the playback features of UMBG.

Update Notification

Receive a notification when there is an update available for UMBG right on WordPress.

Internationalization & Localization Supported

  • Source POT file included.
  • Spanish/Español translation included! (.mo & .po files)


  • Documentation File – Mobile Friendly
  • UMBG Files Folder (Use this files for FTP installations)
  • UMBG Zipped Files Folder (Use this files when you install from WordPress)


What media can I use?

With UMBG you can use videos, audio, images, or colors to display beautiful full screen backgrounds. Supports HTML5 audio, HTML5 videos, and hosted videos from YouTube, Vimeo, Dailymotion, and Wistia. You can also use multiple images to create a full screen slideshow.

Does it work on mobile devices?

Mobile devices do not autoplay videos but UMBG replaces them with a poster image that you pre-select. You can use UMBG’s mobile device options to enable or disable displaying on mobile devices.

What UMBG does not do?

UMBG is not a media editor. It only lets you use the media you select as a full screen background and helps you adapt the media to a page with the available options. For media needs that go beyond what UMBG can do please use a media editing software to modify the media file further or consult the proper professional.

Does it include videos or images?

UMBG does not include any media. It does not include any videos or any images. You must use videos from the supported video hosting websites or use an HTML5 video or upload your own images to use with UMBG. Only the overlay patterns are included with UMBG.


UMBG requires WordPress 4.0 and greater, as well as, PHP 5.2 and greater.

Change Log

2018-01-06 – v1.6.0
– Add Maintenance Mode.
– Add HTML5 Audio capability.
– Add UMBG admin settings saved success message.
– Add Choose and Cancel buttons to color picker.
– Add UMBG events for playback: initial start, play, pause, and end.
– Add JS Promise check for new WebKit browser’s auto-play capabilities.
– Fix Vimeo API changes.
– Fix conflict with Semantic UI accordion and jQuery UI accordion.
– Fix another issue with detecting some Android devices.
– Fix loading UMBG Slider when using minified version.
– Fix uninstall as it was not deleting the ‘external_updates-umbg’ option name.
– Fix ‘Undefined index’ notice from UMBG’s add new and edit pages save action.
– Enhanced HTML5 media video and audio source loading.
– Enhance enqueue of UMBG scripts/styles functions.
– Enhance UMBG settings pages title heading.
– Change variable delayCallback to delayCallbackBy on main UMBG JS.
– Change function name htmlPlayer() to htmlVideoPlayer() on main UMBG JS.
– Update DailyMotion deprecated player parameters.
– Update UMBG plugin update checker.

2016-11-11 – v1.5.2
– Fix mobile detect issue with some Android devices.

2016-07-12 – v1.5.1
– Fix scripts loading on none umbg_post_type pages on admin pages.
– Enhance loading of CSS styles on the public/front-end side.
– Enhance admin JS script to help avoid a collision with other scripts.

2016-07-04 – v1.5.0
– Add playback shortcodes functionality.
– Add shortcode buttons to WP Editor toolbar.
– Add re-order & delete on preview thumbs section.
– Add Media Start Fade-In option.
– Add plugin update notification.
– Add scroll-to-top button.
– Add keyboard controls.
– Add playback start, pause, and end callback methods.
– Add meta generator tag.
– Change basic playback functions and made them public.
– Change YouTube API callback.
– Fix YT Page Visibility Pause.
– Fix Media End Fade-Out.
– Fix Dailymotion API events change.
– Update sortable.js to version 1.4.2.
– Update Vimeo video quality settings.
– Update Dailymotion video quality settings.

2016-03-02 – v1.4.3
– Fix media end fade-out function.
– Change default mediaLink value.’.

2016-02-28 – v1.4.2
– Enhance autoplay initialization variable for versions before 1.4.0.
– Fix Page Visibility Pause and autoplay.

2016-02-25 – v1.4.1
– Fix autoplay on image slideshow.
– Fix UMBG-Slider script not loading with some EU mobile providers.

2015-12-04 – v1.4.0
– Add Custom Post Types support.
– Add WooCommerce Product Tags support.
– Add option to enable or disable autoplay.
– Add option to link the media background.
– Add alphabetically reordering of the ‘Append To’ list.
– Add plugin functions file.
– Fix backgrounds not displaying when proper author of post/page.
– Change plugin’s folder structure to limit unnecessary code loading.
– Change default setting for pudUp to enable.
– Change plugin’s menu position to be closer to the Media menu.
– Enhance uninstall code.
– Remove height adjustment to Disallowed list.

2015-11-01 – v1.3.3
– Fix YouTube API change causing looping issue with Safari.

2015-10-18 – v1.3.2
– Fix transitioning of slides when the duration is a decimal number (in secs).
– Add default settings missing description comments.
– Enhance code format.
– Change default value of disableOnMobileVideoOnly from 1 to 0.

2015-10-14 – v1.3.1
– Change transition duration minimum limit from 500 to 0.
– Enhance slideTransitionDuration (making sure it is an integer type).
– Fix FIO transition effect sometimes not initializing properly.
– Fix disabling on mobile devices not working when Image type is selected.

2015-09-22 – v1.3.0
– Add WooCommerce Support.
– Add start video with audio muted.
– Add FIO (Fade-In-Out) page opacity feature.
– Add Media End Fade-Out (MEFO).
– Add slide transition timing option.
– Fix custom column Type link.
– Fix Delay By when using Image media type.
– Fix Enlarge By not displaying when Image or Color types are selected.
– Enhance UI of Append Background To section.
– Enhance UI of Settings page Allow To Display On section.
– Enhance start PUD down, page will start down immediately.
– Enhanced Page Visibility Pause functionality.
– Enhance image transition (between images) fade effect.
– Enhance resizing for mobile devices.
– Removed slider container background color.
– Removed hiding of controls with Image and Color type.
– Renamed variable videoOverlayTransparent to mediaOverlayTransparent.

2015-07-06 – v1.2.2
– Add compatibility with PHP 5.3.
– Remove PUD restriction to hide controls.
– Update documentation.

2015-06-29 – v1.2.1
– Reactivation no longer resets global settings.
– Enhance the code for disable on mobile option.
– Fix YouTube play button sometimes not working.
– Fix uninstall action not deleting four option settings from the database.
– Fix not displaying on mobile phones after updating to 1.2.

2015-06-23 – v1.2
– Add option to disable backgrounds on mobile phones only.
– Add Wistia do not track option.
– Fix internationalization code.
– Update documentation and spanish translation.

2015-06-17 – v1.1.2
– Fix HTML5 audio volume not matching set level.

2015-06-16 – v1.1.1
– Fix HTML5 audio playing while audio option is disable.

2015-06-16 – v1.1
– Add disable on mobile device feature.
– Update Vimeo API change.
– Fix the CSS style issue with the controls on mobile phones.

2015-05-29 – v1.0
– Initial Release