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User Extra Fields - Wordpress Plugin
Get premium UTILITIES Wordpress Plugin : User Extra Fields – WordPress Plugin
Easily add extra fields to the registerd users displaying them on register page, account page and more! WordPress User Extra Field plugin is WooCommerce and WPML compatible! Free WordPress Plugins from CodeCanyon
Plugin Compatibility
High Resolution: No, Compatible Browsers: Firefox, Safari, Chrome, Edge, Compatible With: WPML, BuddyPress 2.5.x, WooCommerce 3.2.x, WooCommerce 3.1.x, WooCommerce 3.0.x, Software Version: WordPress 4.9.x, WordPress 4.8.x, WordPress 4.7.x, WordPress 4.6.1,
Why User Extra Fields?
- The Plugin for Wordpresswas purchased 632 times.
- The users have left 65 rating with final rating 4.95
- The plugin was added 2015-09-21 and updates 2018-03-15
- The Free Utilities Plugin price = 21.00 $
Add user extra fields on registration page. Compatible with WooCommerce and BuddyPress.
Free Utilities Wordpress Plugin
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Wordpress User Extra Field plugin enhances your WordPress installation by allowing you to add extra fields to the user profile. Fields can be optionally showed on the register page, account page and more!
Wordpress User Extra Field plugin is also WooCommerce, BuddyPress and WPML compatible!
LIVE DEMO (With WooCommerce and BuddyPress)
http://www.codecanyon.eu/wpuef/user: demo
pass: demo
LIVE DEMO (Only WordPress and Theme My Login)
http://www.codecanyon.eu/wpuef_wp/user: demo
pass: demo
Wordpress User Extra Field lets site admin to easily add new fields to the user register page. This can be done using a nice visual composer. Fields that can be added are:- File
- Text
- Textarea
- Number
- Site url
- Date
- Time
- Multiple choice
- Single choice
- Dropdown menu
- Coutry & state (available only for WooCommerce. State field can be optionally hidden)
With the file extra field, you can let you users/customers to attach files to their profile! This can be done during registration process or even during WooCommerce checkout process! Site admin can also limit file size and file types allowed to upload. Any file of any size can be uploaded! Give a try on the demo site!Visibility according user role
Would you like to show extra fields only for some user roles? you can! just enable the special option while configuring the field!USER PROFILE EDIT PAGE
WPUEF extends the user profile page adding the extra fields created. In this way every user (or site admin) can edit his info.DISPLAY FIELDS IN USERS TABLE / WOOCOMMERCE CUSTOMERS MANAGER TABLE
For each fiend is also possible show its content directly in the embeded Users table and in the WooCommerce Customer Manager customers table, each field in its own column.WPML COMPATIBLE
WPUEF is wpml compatible. Create as many fields you want, then translate labels and description using the WPML -> String translation menuWOOCOMMERCE COMPATIBLE
WPUEF supports WooCommerce. Automatically adds extra field on the registration (optionally can be hidden).Your customers, by default, will be able to edit extra fields on their “My Account” page but, optionally, the Shop admin can configure every field to be editable only in “Shipping Address” or “Billing Address” edit pages!
Furthermore, Shop admin can also trace this extra info directly on the backend order detais page.
Infact WPUEF adds a new meta box containing the extra user fields box next the customer info box. In this way you can have all the user and order infos under controll in one place!
Furthermore, every extra field can be optionally (or ONLY) displayed and edited also on the Checkout page. This can be usefull during user registration on checkout step. Extra fields will not be saved if guest checkout is allowed and for this the fields are automatically hidden if an user is not logged and are automatically showed if the ‘create account’ is checked
The admin can also display two custom HTML snippets before and after the checkout extra fields form. Go to Settings -> Extra fields menu to configure those fields.
Fields content can be optionally copied to order meta as custom fields. To do that the Shop admin has to enable the visible during the Checkout process and the Save as order extra field options for the fields he need. In this way, after the order is placed, field contents are copied to order meta as custom fields. Extra order field values are showed under the Billing details and can be edited and deleted using the native WordPress Custom fields meta box.In case of files, they will be deleted on order delete or if the custom field containing the file path is deleted.
In this way each order will store the extra fields content submitted by the user during the checkout process independently by the actual values stored in the user profile!
WPUEF gives you the possibility to store field content into the default WooCommerce billing and shipping fields. All the fields can be overwritten.To overwrite a field you have just to create a new text/country & state field (or email field in case you would like to overwrite the billing email address field) and then on the overwrite options selction select in which field the content has to be stored.
You can optionally assign to Billing name, Shipping name and user first name (same thing can be done for last name) the same value. Just select one of the Multiple overwrite options in the dropdown menu.
Optionally, all the users extra fields can be reported directly into the WooCommerce emails, in this way you can keep an eye on all the user extra info at once!WOOCOMMERCE FIELD ROW SIZE
You can optionally set fild row size: half-size (left/right) or full width size!NOTE: this option cannot be applied to the “Country & State” and “Title” fields. It will have the full-width size.
Title field
Title field are separator that can be used to separate fields in the register form. Title can be customized using the following options:- tag to use: label, h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6
- custom margin
- custom classes
Optionally you can overwrite password field too. This can be useful if you want to allow weak password usage. Enabling this special option your customers will be able to register (and reset password on woocommerce reset password page) using any password, the plugin will override the default woocommerce password weakness check.This special field will be visible ONLY in the register page, checkout register form and optionally in the My account page.
WPUEF is BuddyPress compatible. This means that fields are automatically added in the user register page (optionally can be hidden to be diplayed in that page) and will be public viable in the user profile. Every user can edit those extra fields using their own edit profile page.FIELDS CAN BE EDITABLE ONLY BY ADMIN
Shop admin can choose to create fields to be editable only by him and visible on user profile pageCUSTOM FORM SHORTCODE
WPUEF allows you to render custom forms with the selected extra fields on any page supporting wordpress shortcode system. To that use the [wpuef_extra_fields_custom_form field_ids=”“] where the field_ids parameter specifies the id of the fields that will be displayed. Ex.: [wpuef_extra_fields_custom_form field_ids=”c2,c5,c6,c18,c20”]WORDPRESS FIREST AND LAST NAME FIELDS OVERWRITE
WPUEF gives you the possibility to store text field content into the default Name and Lastname wordpress fields. To that you have just to create a text field and then check the First/Last name overwrite option.Show field value shortcode
Would you like to display a field value for the current or a particular user? You can just using the [wpuef_show_field_value field_id=”” user_id=”“] shortcode.A “field_id” must specified and optionally can also specified a “user_id” paramenter. The “user_id” will let you to display a field value for a particular user, if left empty will show field value for current user.
You can also automatically generate html links using the field content. For example, using a field with id c2:
[wpuef_show_field_value field_id="c2"]Test link[/wpuef_show_field_value]You can also use html code like:
[wpuef_show_field_value field_id="c2"]<img src="http://example.com/example.png" alt="example" /><strong>Test</strong>[/wpuef_show_field_value]
Display image shortcode
For file fields you can show the uploaded image just using the [wpuef_display_image field_id=”“]. Where the field_id is the file field id for which you want to display the image. Optionally you can be passed as parameters the width and the heigt. For example:[wpuef_display_image field_id="c2" width="300" height="200"]
WPUEF exposes two function:- wpuef_get_field($field_id, $user_id = null). The function will return an object containing all the field data (label, values, etc.). To know the object structure you can user
the special wpuef_var_dump() function as follow:
$result = wpuef_get_field('c13', 16669); var_dump($result);
The result will be:object(stdClass)#803 (7) { ["label"]=> string(6) "My custom dropdown field" ["field_type"]=> string( 8 ) "dropdown" ["required"]=> bool(false) ["field_options"]=> object(stdClass)#807 (2) { ["options"]=> array(3) { [0]=> object(stdClass)#782 (2) { ["label"]=> string(2) "Label string for option 1" ["checked"]=> bool(false) } [1]=> object(stdClass)#757 (2) { ["label"]=> string(2) "Label string for option 2" ["checked"]=> bool(false) } [2]=> object(stdClass)#758 (2) { ["label"]=> string(2) "Label string for option 3" ["checked"]=> bool(false) } } ["include_blank_option"]=> bool(false) } ["cid"]=> string(2) "c6" ["woocommerce_edit_on_my_account_page"]=> bool(true) ["value"]=> string(1) "1" }
To get the specific user selected value, use the “value” variable. Example:
$result = wpuef_get_field('c13', 16669); var_dump($result->value); //Will print the user selected value for that field.
- wpuef_set_field($field_id, $value, $user_id = null)
On user deletion, every file attached is deleted too.NOTE ON IMPORT/EXPORT USER EXTRA FIELD VALUES VIA CSV
The plugin hasn’t any feature to import/export via CSV field values associated to users. For that you have to use the following plugin: WooCommerce Customers Manager.
Create and edit all the field you wantREGISTRATION PAGE
Registration page example (using Theme my plugin that lets using site theme for registration page instead of the default one)Example using the default wordpress page
Extra field displayed on checkout page
= 11.9 - 14.03.18 = * Fixed an issue due to in some installation the plugin was not able to activate = 11.8 - 08.03.18 = * Fixed an issue with Multisite installation = 11.7 - 17.02.18 = * Extra fields showed on user table column now are sortable (only for numeric, simple text and url fields) = 11.6 - 13.02.18 = * Is now possible show fields only for selecte user roles = 11.5 - 24.01.18 = * Fixed an issue with radio fields and custom form shortcode = 11.4 - 18.01.18 = * Fixed an issue due to on user table extra column added by 3rd party plugins did not properly display data = 11.3 - 12.01.18 = * File field: fixed an issue due to in some cases files were not properly saved when registering a new user = 11.2 - 12.01.18 = * Fixed an issue due to extra fields where not editable in admin user edit page = 11.1 - 20.12.17 = * Added "one time upload" option for file field = 11.0 - 17.12.17 = * Fixed an issue due to custom forms were not properly displayed = 10.9 - 12.12.17 = * Fixed an issue due to field were not properly aligned in user edit details pages = 10.8 - 11.12.17 = * Bug fix on file uploader process = 10.7 - 13.11.17 = * Minor bugfix = 10.6 - 13.11.17 = * Improved file upload managment = 10.5 - 10.11.17 = * Added option to make the field visible on user profile pages but uneditable = 10.4 - 04.11.17 = * Improved checkout register form managment = 10.3 - 01.11.17 = * Is now possible to hide a field from the Checkout register form = 10.2 - 23.09.17 = * Fixed an issue with checkbox = 10.1 - 18.09.17 = * Fixed an issue that prevent to proper save multiple checkbox values field = 10.0 - 04.09.17 = * Accented character in file names are now replaced with non accented characters = 9.9 - 03.08.17 = * Added new "wpuef_display_image" shortcode = 9.8 - 30.06.17 = * Minor bugfix = 9.7 - 28.06.17 = * Added Title field = 9.6 - 09.05.17 = * Fixed an issue with Chrome and checkout required fields = 9.5 - 07.05.17 = * Fixed an issue due to checkout completed even if required fields were not filled = 9.4 - 03.05.17 = * Fixed and issue with WooCommerce 3.0.4 that prevented fields to be rendered in the register page = 9.3 - 26.04.17 = * Minor bugfix: Sometime opening order deails page, a warning message was printed on top of the page = 9.2 - 21.04.17 = * Fixed an issue related to the "add new user" via backend function. = 9.1 - 17.04.17 = * Fixed an issue with the field saved on order meta feature that on checkout raised an error * Fixed an issue that may raise some errors during register process = 9.0 - 12.04.17 = * Added option to copy Checkout extra fields contet to Order meta as custom fields = 8.9 - 10.04.17 = * Fixed other WooCommerce 2.6 backward incopatibility issues = 8.8 - 05.04.17 = * Added compatibility to WooCommerce 3.0 = 8.7 - 22.03.17 = * Improved select box style = 8.6 - 22.03.17 = * Fixed an issue with dropdown field when no value was selected in the admin user edit page = 8.5 - 08.03.17 = * For dropdown field, the Placeholder text is used as text for the blank option = 8.4 - 03.03.17 = * Country & state field: is now possible to set a default Country and State = 8.3 - 09.02.17 = * Minor bugfix = 8.2 - 02.02.17 = * Bugfix relative to the password override feature and Chrome browser = 8.1 - 01.02.17 = * For Country & State field, in case it exists only one country to select, its select field will not be displayed. It will only be displayed the state selection field * CSS bugfix = 8.0 - 13.01.17 = * Added option to reset all extra fields content for all users = 7.9 - 03.01.17 = * Added new HTML field