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[WordPress] Better Recent Comments Widget Pro - CodeCanyon Plugin

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Better Recent Comments Widget Pro - Wordpress Plugin


Get premium WIDGETS Wordpress Plugin : Better Recent Comments Widget Pro

Better Recent Comments Widget Pro plugin provides an advanced widget that allows you to display your latest comments in any widgetized sidebar. It includes the abilities to display author gravatars, post titles, comment excerpts, human readable time formats, and more. Free WordPress Plugins from CodeCanyon

Plugin Compatibility

High Resolution: No, Compatible Browsers: IE6, IE7, IE8, IE9, Firefox, Safari, Opera, Chrome, Software Version: WordPress 3.5, WordPress 3.4, WordPress 3.3, WordPress 3.2, WordPress 3.1, WordPress 3.0

Why Better Recent Comments Widget Pro?

- The Plugin for Wordpresswas purchased 155 times.
- The users have left 24 rating with final rating 4.67
The plugin was added 2011-07-23 and updates 2013-03-26
The Free Premium WordPress WidgetsPlugin price = 6.00 $

Free Premium WordPress Widgets Wordpress Plugin
Comment Widget, comments, gravatar, latest comments, recent comments, widget, wordpress comments widget, wordpress widget

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This plugin provides an advanced widget that allows you to display your latest comments in any widgetized sidebar. It includes the abilities to display author gravatars, post titles, comment excerpts, human readable time formats, and more.


  • 11 Options to configure on a per-widget basis
  • Multiple instances of the same widget
  • Widget Title
  • Number of comments to show
  • Option to display the comment author
  • Option to show the author’s gravatar image
  • Choose the size of gravatar image
  • Float the gravatar to right, left, or none
  • Option to display the post title
  • Choose whether to display the comment date
  • Select the date format, human readable or MM DD , YYYY
  • Option to show comment text excerpts
  • Option to control the length of the comment excerpt

This widget has been built with the best coding standards and should fit seamlessly into any WordPress theme.

Show Blog Authors in Your Sidebar

Change Log

08-17-11: updated widget interface to be a little cleaner
09-13-11 version 1.1.0: added support for custom post types and fixed a display bug.
01-04-12 version 1.1.1: fixed a bug with the human readable timestamps.
02-09-12 version 1.1.2 / 1.1.3: Added an option to exclude administrator's comments and fixed a small security fix. Thanks to Travis Smith for supplying the update to excluding admins.