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[WP] WP Full Stripe 3.7.0 – WordPress Plugin - CodeCanyon Plugin

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WP Full Stripe - Wordpress Plugin


Get premium MISCELLANEOUS Wordpress Plugin : WP Full Stripe 3.7.0 – WordPress Plugin

Free Full Stripe is a WordPress plugin designed to make it easy for you to accept payments and create subscriptions from your WordPress site. Free WordPress Plugins from CodeCanyon

Plugin Compatibility

High Resolution: No, Compatible Browsers: IE10, IE11, Firefox, Safari, Opera, Chrome, Software Version: WordPress 4.9.x, WordPress 4.8.x, WordPress 4.7.x, WordPress 4.6.1, WordPress 4.6, WordPress 4.5.x, WordPress 4.5.2, WordPress 4.5.1, WordPress 4.5, Wor

Why WP Full Stripe?

- The Plugin for Wordpresswas purchased 2672 times.
- The users have left 71 rating with final rating 4.66
The plugin was added 2013-08-04 and updates 2018-02-13
The Free Miscellaneous Plugin price = 39.00 $

Free Miscellaneous Wordpress Plugin
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Now you can take credit card payments & subscriptions directly from your website even if you are not a programmer!

WP Full Stripe

Full Stripe is a WordPress plugin designed to make it easy for you to accept payments and create subscriptions from your WordPress site. Powered by Stripe, you can embed payment forms into any post or page and take payments directly from your website without making your customers leave for a 3rd party website.


  • NEW! Added shipping address support to popup forms (both one-time and subscription).
  • NEW! 10 custom fields are supported per form (used to be 5 custom fields per form).
  • NEW! Added tax (VAT) support to subscription forms.
  • NEW! Simple popup subscription button with no fluff (no plan selector, no plan info label, no custom fields, no coupon field).
  • NEW! Added option for selecting the display language of popup one-time payment forms, and popup subscription forms.
  • Securely take payments from any page or post on your Wordpress website
  • Any number of payment forms can be embedded into a page or post
  • Allow your users to subscribe for recurring (ever-running, terminating) payments with setup fees and non-standard intervals
  • Collect one-time payments for set amount, custom amount, or amount selectable from list
  • Customize the forms: add custom fields, style the forms with custom CSS
  • Send custom payment emails
  • Stripe Checkout style responsive payment forms
  • AliPay and Bitcoin support for one-time payments on Stripe checkout-style payment forms.
  • Form shortcode generator added for embedding forms easily into pages and posts (simple copy’n’paste)
  • Easily view and manage your received payments, subscribers, plans and more
  • The plugin can auto-update to the latest version with the click of a button.
  • Fully supported, professionally written and regularly updated software


WP Full Stripe has been fully tested and working on WordPress version 4.0.0+ including the latest version 4.9.4 . The plugin will be updated in the future if WordPress updates any functionality it relies upon. Full Stripe will also work with any theme and you can easily style the forms if you require.

The plugin supports Stripe in Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Hong Kong, Ireland, Japan, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, Singapore, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom, and United States, plus preview versions in Italy, New Zealand, and Portugal. Closed beta countries are Brazil, and Mexico.

Live demo

You can test-drive our plugin at our demo site:


Check out some of the great 5 star reviews:

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Would you like to create a membership website using WP Full Stripe? Protect your website content only allowing paying subscribers with our latest add-on WP Full Stripe Members. This is a fully featured membership site plugin that seamlessly integrates with WP Full Stripe.


It is highly recommended you use SSL with this plugin to provide extra security for your customers. Note: you must buy an SSL certificate to use HTTPS on your web server.


As always, there is full support available at:

Check out our other products


Feb 12, 2018 (v3.13.1)
  • Fixed a subscription plan creation/editing/listing issue caused by a new Stripe API version.
  • Fixed an issue related to optional custom fields.
Jan 8, 2018 (v3.13.0)
  • Added shipping address support to popup forms (both one-time and subscription).
  • Increased the maximum number of custom fields per form to 10 (used to be 5).
  • The form name is displayed for each payment in WP admin.
  • The form name is added as metadata to one-time payments and subscriptions.
  • Performed small tweaks to make inline and popup form layouts alike (aligned labels to left, removed fieldset element).
  • Removed security verification that caused nonce errors on cached websites.
  • Condensed the billing address and the shipping address to one metadata each.
  • For one-time payments, all metadata is added to the Stripe charge object (the Stripe customer object is left intact).
  • For subscriptions, all metadata is added to the Stripe subscription object (the Stripe customer object is left intact).
November 21, 2017 (v3.12.1)
  • Fixed the product description not being displayed on popup subscription forms.
November 13, 2017 (v3.12.0)
  • Added tax (VAT) support to subscription forms.
  • Added option for simple popup subscription button (no plan selector, no plan info label, no custom fields, no coupon field).
  • Added option for selecting the display language of popup one-time payment forms, and popup subscription forms.
September 5, 2017 (v3.11.1)
  • Fixed a billing address validation issue on inline one-time forms.
August 22, 2017 (v3.11.0)
  • IMPORTANT! This release contains critical security fixes and critical bugfixes. Please update your Full Stripe installation as soon as possible!!!
  • Added support for “custom amount” and “select amount from list” payment types to popup one-time payment forms (Stripe checkout forms).
  • Updated the Stripe PHP client to the latest version (v5.1.1)
August 18, 2017 (v3.10.0)
  • Added popup (Stripe checkout) support to subscription forms.
  • Added custom field support to all form types (one-time and subscription, inline and popup).
  • Fixed issues with zero-decimal currencies (like the Japanese Yen).
  • Fixed WP admin URLs linking to Stripe charges and Stripe subscriptions.
  • Fixed the value of the AMOUNT placeholder on subscription forms where both setup fee and plan fee have to be charged.
  • Fixed an issue of not being able to select certain payment confirmation (“Thank you”) pages for redirects.
April 19, 2017 (v3.9.1)
  • Fixed a bug on the edit page of popup forms in WP admin.
April 18, 2017 (v3.9.0)
  • Payment currency can be set per form.
  • Payment currency can be set per subscription plan.
  • Setup fee can be set per subscription plan.
  • Added the DATE placeholder token to all email notifications.
  • Split all form editor pages into tabs in order to make room for new features.
March 1, 2017 (v3.8.2)
  • Fixed a bug related to customizable “Thank you” (payment confirmation) pages.
February 26, 2017 (v3.8.1)
  • Fixed a bug related to PHP 5.3.x compatibility.
February 24, 2017 (v3.8.0)
  • All forms are responsive and mobile friendly.
  • “Thank you” pages after payment are customizable with placeholder tokens.
  • Payment types “Select amount from list” and “Custom amount” can be combined on one-time payment (and donation) forms.
  • New option added to make custom fields mandatory.
  • Minimum plugin requirements are verified at activation time.
  • Added collision prevention code to handle those cases when other plugins load jQuery in a non-standard way.
  • Fixed a bug with the PRODUCT_NAME placeholder when the payment type is “Select Amount from List”.
  • Fixed a bug with form names containing only digits.
  • Fixed a bug with error messages when invalid card expiry date is provided.
February 15, 2017 (v3.7.5)
  • Fixed an issue with payment descriptions containing commas when the payment type is “Select Amount from List”.
January 23, 2017 (v3.7.4)
  • Increased amount length from 6 digits to 8.
  • The Stripe PHP client has been upgraded to v4.4.0 .
  • Fixed a bug that caused the product description not properly being mapped to the PRODUCT_NAME placeholder on Stripe checkout forms.
December 2, 2016 (v3.7.3)
  • The Stripe PHP client has been upgraded to v4.2.0 .
November 24, 2016 (v3.7.2)
  • Fixed a bug related to missing button icons in WP Admin.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented the plugin from being activated (class name collision with other plugins).
  • Plan label handling modified to work with themes that remove empty <p>tags.
November 18, 2016 (v3.7.1)
  • Error pane handling modified to work with themes that remove empty <p> tags.
  • Fixed a bug that would prevent the plugin from displaying more than 100 subscription plans.
  • Removed placeholders for the card and name fields on subscription forms.
November 2, 2016 (v3.7.0)
  • Any number of forms can be embedded into a page or post!
  • The plugin can auto-update to the latest version with the click of a button!
  • Form shortcode generator added for embedding forms easily into pages and posts (simple copy’n’paste)!
  • AliPay support added for one-time payments on Stripe checkout-style payment forms.
  • Subscriptions can now be deleted on the “Subscribers” page.
  • Country dropdown has been added to the billing address on all form types.
  • The “Action” column has been redesigned on all admin pages (iconified buttons).
  • The “Payments” page has a new layout, it is more structured and more spacious.
  • The “Payments” page has got a search box. Find payments based on customer’s name and email address, Stripe customer id, Stripe charge id, or mode (live/test).
  • The “Settings” page can now be extended by add-ons.
  • “Newsfeed” tab has been added to the “About” page.
  • Fixed an issue related to being unable to save subscription forms with selected subscription plan names containing spaces.
  • The “Transfers” feature has been removed due to incompatibility with the latest Stripe API (will be reintroduced later).
  • The Stripe client and API used by the plugin has been upgraded to v3.21.0 in order to be compatible with TLS 1.2.
June 3, 2016 (v3.6.0)
  • Support for subscriptions that terminate after certain number of charges!
  • Subscriptions can be cancelled from the “Subscribers” page.
  • The “Subscribers” page has a new layout, it is more structured and more spacious.
  • The “Subscribers” page has a search box. Find subscriptions based on subscribers’ name and email address, Stripe customer id, Stripe subscription id, or mode (live/test).
  • The “Settings / E-mail receipts” page has a new layout for managing e-mail notifications (new email types coming soon).
  • Now you can translate form titles and custom field labels to other languages as well.
  • Stripe webhook support added for advanced features in the coming releases.
  • Fixed an issue related to the value of the PLAN_AMOUNT token when a coupon is applied to the subscription.
  • Fixed an issue related to plan ids, now they can contain comma characters.
  • Improved error handling and error messages for internal errors.
March 15, 2016 (v3.5.1)
  • Added PRODUCT_NAME token to email receipts (used when payment type is “Select Amount from List”)
  • Added extra error handling for failed cards (declined, expired, invalid CVC).
  • Fixed issue with long plan lists on subscription forms.
February 21, 2016 (v3.5.0)
  • Added Bitcoin support for checkout forms!
  • The e-mail field can be locked and filled in automatically for logged in users.
  • Success messages and error messages are scrolled into view automatically.
  • The spinning wheel has been moved next to the payment button on all form types.
  • The lists on the “Payments” and “Subscribers” pages now are descending and ordered by date by default.
  • Fixed an issue with payment forms on Wordpress 4.4.x: the submitted forms never returned.
December 6, 2015 (v3.4.0)
  • New payment type introduced on payment forms: the customer can select the payment amount from a list.
  • The “Settings” page is now easier to use, it has been divided into three tabs: Stripe, Appearance, and Email receipts.
  • The e-mail receipt sender address is now configurable.
  • All payment forms (payment, checkout, subscription) add the same metadata fields to the Stripe “Payment” and “Customer” objects.
  • CSS style improvements to assure compatibility with the KOMetrics plugin.
October 30, 2015 (v3.3.0)
  • The plugin is translation-ready! You can translate it to your language without touching the plugin code. (Public labels only)
  • Usability improvements made to the currency selector on the “Settings” page.
  • Improved error handling on all form types (payment, checkout, and subscription).
  • Version number of the plugin is displayed on the “About” and “Help” pages in WP Admin.
  • Confirmation dialog has been added to delete operations where it was missing.
  • Fixed an issue on subscription forms with the progress indicator spinning endlessly, never returning.
  • Fixed an issue on checkout forms with the CUSTOMERNAME token not resolved properly in email receipts.
August 22, 2015 (v3.2.0)
  • Subscription plans on subscription forms can be reordered by using drag and drop!
  • Subscription plans can be modified or deleted directly from WP Full Stripe.
  • Page or post redirects can be selected using an autocomplete, no time wasted with figuring out post ids.
  • Arbitrary URLs can be used as redirect URLs.
  • Placeholder tokens for custom fields are available in email receipts.
July 18, 2015 (v3.1.1)
  • Fixed a bug with Stripe receipt emails on subscription forms.
June 25, 2015 (v3.1.0)
  • Now you can use plugin email receipts for all form types (payment, checkout, and subscription) !!!
  • New email receipt tokens: customer email, subscription plan name, subscription plan amount, subscription setup fee.
  • Separate email template and subject fields for payment forms and subscription forms.
  • Support for all countries supported by Stripe (20 countries currently).
  • Support for all currencies supported by Stripe (138 currencies in total, number varies by country).
December 30, 2014
  • You can now use multiple checkout buttons on the same page!
  • Checkout button styling can now be disabled (useful for theme conflicts).
  • Some minor changes added for future extensions.
December 5, 2014
  • Removing form input placeholders as they conflict with some themes.
  • SSN is no longer a required field for transfer forms.
  • Support for KO Metrics added.
  • Bugfix: settings upgrade properly when installing a new version of the plugin.
November 4, 2014 – We’re now at version 3.0! Over 1 years worth of regular updates & new features
  • You can now add up to 5 custom input fields to payment & subscription forms!
  • Subscribers and payment records can now be deleted locally (they remain in your Stripe dashboard).
  • Lots of UI/UX improvements including appropriate table styling and useful redirects.
  • Added livemode status to subscribers.
  • Cardholder name correctly added to payment details.
October 16, 2014
  • Email address is now a required field on payment forms.
  • We now check for existing Stripe Customers before creating new ones.
  • Updated the Stripe PHP Bindings to the latest version.
  • Fixed deprecated warnings on payment and subscription table pages.
  • Fixed a bug with trying to redirect to post ID 0 following payment.
  • Hook and function updates to support upcoming Members add-on.
October 7, 2014
  • Updated bank transfers feature to include ability to transfer to debit cards as well as bank accounts.
  • Fixed a bug with checkout forms not displaying.
September 7, 2014
  • Bugfix: Subscriptions create Stripe customer objects correctly again.
August 30, 2014
  • Stripe Customer objects are now created for charges, meaning better information about customers in your Stripe dashboard
  • Custom input has been moved from the description field to a charge metadata value
  • Fixed Stripe link on payments history tables
  • Stripe checkout forms now correctly save customer email
  • Locale strings for CAD accounts have been added
July 23, 2014
  • Hotfix to update transfers parameter due to Stripe API update
July 20, 2014
  • Added option to use Stripe emails for payment receipts
  • Fixed issue with redirect ID field on edit forms
  • Added customer name to metatdata sent to Stripe on successful payment
June 23, 2014
  • New tabbed design on payment and subscription pages
  • New sortable table for subscriber list
  • Choose to show remember me option on checkout forms
  • Ability to choose custom image for checkout form
June 21, 2014
  • You can now specify setup fees for subscriptions!
June 18, 2014
  • Added ability to customize subscription form button text
  • Currency symbol now shows for plan summary price text
  • Some typos have been fixed & other UI improvements.
  • New About page.
May 5, 2014
  • New system allows selection of different form styles
  • New ‘compact’ style for payment forms. More to come!
  • Tidy up of form code to allow easier creation of new form styles.
Apr 20, 2014
  • Checkout form now uses currency set in the plugin options
  • Updated currency symbols throughout admin sections
  • Tested to work with latest release, WordPress 3.9
Apr 19, 2014
  • Added address line 2 and state fields to billing address portion of forms
  • Used metadata parameter with Stripe API to better store customer email and address fields
  • Address fields on forms now take locale into account (Zip/Postcode, State/Region etc.)
  • Added new fields to customize email receipts
Apr 13, 2014
  • New form type! Stripe Checkout forms are now supported. These are pre-styled, responsive forms.
  • You can now select to receive a copy of email receipts that are sent after successful payments.
  • More email validation added.
Mar 21, 2014
  • You can now customize payment email receipts in the settings page
  • Stage 1 of major refactor of code, making it easier & faster to provide future updates.
  • Loads more action and filter hooks added to make plugin more extendable.
Feb 17, 2014
  • Subscription forms now show total price at the bottom
  • Coupon codes can now be applied, showing total price to the customer
Feb 15, 2014
  • Added option to send email receipts to your customers after successful payment
Jan 26, 2014
  • Fixed an issue with copy/pasting Stripe API keys sometimes including extra spaces
Jan 15, 2014
  • You can now edit your payment and subscription forms!
  • Improved table added for viewing payments which allows sorting by amount, date and more.
  • General code tidy up. More coming soon.
Dec 27, 2013
  • Address option added to payment forms
  • Reorganized loading of Stripe code meaning faster load times and less conflicts
  • Lots of UI improvements throughout administrator menus
  • More hooks added to allow greater extendability
Nov 15, 2013
  • Added support for Australian Dollar AUD
  • Made changes to improve integration with various HTTPS plugins
Nov 8, 2013
  • You can now use coupon codes on your subscription forms
  • Added option to redirect customers to a specific post/page after a successful payment
  • Documentation updated
Nov 2, 2013
  • Increased number of subscription plans to 100
Oct 11, 2013
  • Wrapped form styles to avoid interference with certain themes
  • Ability to turn off form layout styling altogether
  • Fixed a bug with “magic quotes” for font names in custom CSS setting.
Oct 4, 2013
  • You can now add custom fields to payment and subscription forms
  • Ability to add your own CSS to style forms
  • Code tidy-up.
Sept 8, 2013
  • Extra customization on payment forms, particularly the amount display and buttons
  • Fixed some typos in help text which confused some buyers, sorry!
Aug 24, 2013
  • You can now create payment forms with custom amounts, i.e. Donations.
Aug 22, 2013
  • Subscription plan intervals now included. i.e. every 2 weeks or 3 months etc.
Aug 15, 2013
  • Added support for new currencies: EUR and GBP! Stripe now supports UK & Ireland accounts
  • CSS updates to ensure no interfering with certain Wordpress theme styling
  • Some minor bug fixes
Aug 7, 2013
  • Added support for the CAD currency!
  • Settings menu updated for new currency selection.